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Business Stress, Killer?


Our North American Society….and most other societies are rapidly copying us!…far cry from our Paleolithic roots. Our DNA developed over millions…’millions’…not just the last 2 million…the era of fire…years. Seems predominant food the gathering of edible vegetation, root plants, and fruits. An indication we tended to favor fruit…makes sense, we all came from Africa…climate no doubt produced somewhat endless supply to our forbears! We the product of a whole line of success…for us to be here at ALL…our forbears had to survive! Consequently our DNA successful lineage and disposition to predominantly plant diet. But….Business Stress, Killer?

Vegetarian diet incidentally is a microbiome bonanza…our second brain…where healthy microbiota product of ‘real’…organic!…food…high in net fiber, digestible and indigestible! Recently, realization that at our cellular level, mitochondrial dysfunction..in lay terms… cleaning of cellular waste…may be significant respecting proper metabolic functioning and core to understanding disease. Further, nutritional ketosis…burning of fat, as opposed to glucose…standard metabolism of forbears…think about it!…they had no refrigerators…every day a new day of food gathering and survival, and in daylight!…eating time period very restricted!…they were continually hungry! Equivalent to this Blog’s avocation of fasting…and some current societal natural occurrence in parts of Africa with resulting near zero Insulin Resistance Syndrome.

Metabolic Syndrome Disease…I now call Insulin Resistance Syndrome! includes Neuro-degeneration: Alzheimer’s, Dementia, Parkinson’s, Diabetes, Arthritis, Heart Disease…benefits Ketosis. But Societal Stress? Business Stress, Killer?

Candid chat Emil Malak, Vancouver businessman and restaurateur, always at full throttle! In Primordial thinking..he has eliminated Smoking and Alcohol…never touched either…and not even for religious reasons, and despite early career in England in hospitality industry! Great start! Adopted Peak Fasting following this site….so Ketosis norm!…piscatorial…BUT weakness: white breads, his pizza!…and despite strong advice to avoid…loves sweet things such as desserts and thus apparent tendency to visceral fat DESPITE Ketosis! BUT another vulnerability: possible enormous stress!…personal and business. But he now has discovered from his doctor that he can handle that issue!…WHY…an indefatigable energy to tackle and conquer issues. His doctor amazed at ‘low’ blood pressure… this good news kidneys, and for longevity. Always walking, moving, tackling issues his ‘style’…benefits: outside sun exposure…which is natural vitamin D, diet, with inadvertent protein counting..no meat!…norm! Business Stress, Killer?