Home Recipes Dark Chocolate Coconut Ganache

Dark Chocolate Coconut Ganache

Chocolate Coconut Ganache
Chocolate Coconut Ganache

Reflections, relaxed by the fireside at Middle Beach Lodge…that great get away from it all…just South of Tofino on Vancouver Island. It the furthest West in Canada by road! Overlooks the Pacific Ocean…a mecca of physical activity and passport to a healthy break! Key to family good diet is back off the ‘harping’…such as… ‘that has too much sugar’ A denial of desserts to children usually produces counterwill! This Dark Chocolate Coconut Ganache perhaps solves that problem…under tutelage of chef Dominic Maltais…effectively a ‘healthy’ brownie… recipe serves 12… it is decadent, without too much guilt…but on plus side easily both gluten and dairy free. This recipe can be made with butter, but after using coconut oil the taste turn out much much better!…texture was more delicate, smooth, with fudge-like qualities. It’s fun to make, healthy and it keeps for days in the fridge.

Recipe: 1 cup coconut oil; 1/4 cup dark chocolate chips; 1 cup unpasteurized honey; 1 cup cacao powder; 6 eggs; 1 vanilla pod…the seeds, or 1 table-spoon vanilla extract; 1 tsp Himalayan salt; 1 cup walnuts….Pre-heat the stove to 325 F. Melt the coconut oil in a medium size pot, on ‘high’. Reduce the heat to ‘medium’, add the chocolate and stir until completely melted. Grease a 12 x 12 square pan with coconut oil. Pour in ganache mix and bake until the ganache starts to ‘crack’, about 12-15 minutes. Let cool down for half an hour.

This Dark Chocolate Coconut Ganache recipe serves 12 is delicious, gluten, and dairy free…and a hit with children!

To go extra yard for MARBLED GANACHE: 1 cup almond milk; 2.5 cup dark chocolate chips;1 tablespoon coconut oil; pinch of Himalayan salt; 1 cup melted white chocolate. Put almond milk in a pot on ‘high’. When boiling, reduce the heat and stir in the chocolate chips, coconut oil, and salt. Whisk until the chocolate is completely melted. Pour over the cooled ganache already made and allowed to sit. ‘Marble’ with the melted white chocolate. Let the marbled result chill in fridge for an hour before serving. This is going a little heavy on the sugars healthwise…maybe avoid that temptation to start with! Some guilt can be alleviated and effective from fantastic walks on Middle or McKenzie Beaches…at least reduce the Glycemic Index Spike from Dark Chocolate Coconut Ganache.
