Home Health & Fitness Past Coronavirus Immunity Colds Overcome COVID-19?

Past Coronavirus Immunity Colds Overcome COVID-19?

Past Coronavirus Immunity Colds Overcome COVID-19?
Past Coronavirus Immunity Colds Overcome COVID-19?

This is a puzzle but actually, a positive one! The problem with this COVID-19 virus that tends to wipe out the elderly, particularly those that are compromised, is that knowledge is slow to develop. Additionally, the common cold may trigger a Positive COVID-19 Antibody Test giving a false sense of immunity. This is confusing obviously and may establish incorrect medical protocols. But there is a silver lining!

It could be that the ‘resistant’ subject’ may be advantageous to overall resistance.

AND be an advantage to the older generations that could have a lengthy track record of overcoming colds.

Let’s try to simplify this!

Essentially there are three types of COVID-19 tests. They are 1) molecular, 2) antigen, 3) antibody.

Molecular and Antigen detect active infections. Antibody should inform as to whether the subject has developed antibodies theoretically in response to a previous SARS-CoV-2 infection.

This is where potential confusion can come about.

There are seven different types of coronavirus known to create human respiratory illness. These antibodies are very similar.

For instance recovery from the common cold may trigger a positive antibody test for COVID-19.

This could occur even if the subject is never infected with the specific SARS-CoV-2 specifically!

the resulting immunity might last as long as 17 years!


A Singapore study found common colds specifically caused by the betacoronaviruses OC43 and HKU1 appear to make one more resistant to SARS-CoV-2 infection.

INTRIGUING is that the resulting immunity might last as long as 17 years!

This is in contrast to other findings that infection from COVID-19 may only provide immunity between two and 12 months.

The classic molecular test is at drive-in tent cities set up for this purpose.

It is also known as a PCR test, trying to determine if the genetic material of the virus is present.

This is done from a sample collected from the throat or sputum from the back of the nose.

Known as a sinus test and can be painful.

The antibody test in contrast is from a blood sample. This serology type test is designed to detect antibodies in the blood.

To add to the total confusion resistance generally could be determined BY T-CELLS from whatever Coronavirus source. These may provide overall immunity that has not been detected!

With respect to the antibody test, it takes one to three weeks after infection for the body to create any antibodies!

There are in summary 7 different coronaviruses that can cause respiratory illness and 4 are from the common cold!

There are two additional respiratory illnesses causing bronchial serious problems such as pneumonia.

And the other three the serious killers: Sars-CoV, Mers-CoV, and Sars-CoV-2. This last our present Pandemic.

The takeaway? Just complete confusion in Authorities from Tests.

BUT there may be much more endemic resistance to this Pandemic than anyone can imagine! This ultimately could mean earlier Herd immunity.