Home Health & Fitness Authentic Autophagy Helps Viral Protection & Longevity!

Authentic Autophagy Helps Viral Protection & Longevity!

Authentic Autophagy Helps Viral Protection & Longevity!
Authentic Autophagy Helps Viral Protection & Longevity!

Respecting COVID-19, evidence points to us getting two key variables right. We need a vitamin D level of at least 30 mg/mL (75 nmol/L) and what we could call metabolic flexibility. Then it seems the chances of getting sick from SARS-CoV-2 infection are diminished. Improving one’s resilience against stress is also important. This is all most effectively accomplished when one’s lifestyle promotes autophagy.

Dr. Mercola has neatly explained as follows:

He refers to Siim Land’s book “Stronger by Stress”  where his favorite tool for health and longevity is intermittent fasting, or more accurately termed, time-restricted feeding.

One reason for this is because it allows one to become metabolically flexible and insulin sensitive, which builds antifragility.

This is all most effectively accomplished when one’s lifestyle promotes autophagy.

Personally I advocate cold shock proteins and probably was sold on the concept from Wim Hof. This man has performed amazingly as a result of this discipline, including running in the extremes of the desert heat!

Land was born and raised in Estonia and is familiar with the cold, embracing exposure for the benefits derived from physical conditioning and mental toughness.

Land also discusses the benefits and importance of omega-3 fats, and the hazard of vegetable oils and oxidized, rancid fats.

It’s important to realize that both omega-3 and omega-6 oils are integrated into your cell membranes.

While omega-3s make your cell membranes healthier, omega-6 fats from vegetable oils wreak havoc with your cellular metabolism.

Mercola points out they have a half-life of 600 to 680 days, as explained in his interview with Dr. Chris Knobbe.

Land believes that harmful oils and fats are far more hazardous to our health than added sugar and grain carbs. Authentic Autophagy Helps Viral Protection & Longevity!
