Home Authors Posts by Robert Gardner

Robert Gardner


Vitamin D Deficiency Crisis & Dark Skin!

Vitamin D Deficiency Crisis & Dark Skin!
Ironic that known wellness practitioners, who bridge Medicine and Alternative Medical approaches, often fall badly short on the Vitamin D Deficiency Crisis. They will...

Farmed Fish Frightening Failure!

Farmed Fish Frightening!
Recently an Orca killer whale seen in Washington State's Puget Sound keeping her dead calf afloat. This unusual behavior shows us 2 things: 1) there is...

Tinnitus How Serious & Cure?

Tinnitus How Serious & Cure?
Tinnitus How Serious & Cure? Personally victim of Tinnitus, and fortunately it is limited to one ear! At the moment do not give too...

Cheat List of Good Oils!

Cheat List of Good Oils!
Ironically, a recent Australian study, that I believe was funded by the Olive Oil industry. so in that respect somewhat a tendency to self...

Heat Shock & Cold Shock Magic!

Heat Shock & Cold Shock Magic!
Have tried to substitute for my own, hopefully temporary, failure to implement water fasting, that is really a sound, and incidentally economic and effective...

Autophagy…Naomi Whittel Style!

Autophagy...Naomi Whittel Style!
Autophagy...Naomi Whittel Style! Naomi Whittel is an incredible woman...now a Blog success in her own right. Dr. Mercola interviewed her, dissected down what she...

Simply AGING Causes Stem Cell WANING!

Simply AGING Causes Stem Cell WANING!
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vYMOzUd4iNM Simply AGING Causes Stem Cell WANING! Unfortunately this is a FACT!..and interestingly this is the fundamental and root issue BUT also root solution for fighting...

Cilantro Lime Rice Pilaf

Cilantro Lime Rice Pilaf
I saw this recipe for Cilantro Lime Rice Pilaf on the Mercola site (link) and was immediately drawn to its ingredients and simplicity. Limes are...

Wasabi-Ginger Grilled Wild Salmon!

Wasabi-Ginger Grilled Wild Salmon
It is summer time...and the more I read about 'out door BBQ' and the negatives of coals or the grill, coupled with the negatives...

Leg Activity Important Earth & Space!

Leg Activity Important Earth & Space!
The advantage of experience with the Space Station, and astronauts remaining for months up there, is that we now have some clue as to...