Home Healthy Lifestyle Elizabeth/Philip 65th Longevity!

Elizabeth/Philip 65th Longevity!


Because Queen Elizabeth is so much in public focus, her health recently subject to much debate….our last Blog on just this subject!…Elizabeth and her consort Prince Philip, a different category from her subjects. This extends to diet…typical English fare, heavy on carbohydrates, sugars….sweets in Brit parlance….big-time. War rationing, extending into the late fifties, re-emphasized lineups, coupons at ‘sweet-shops’, just reinforced contrast to ‘hoypoloi’ …the great unwashed masses…even gratitude for candy! The Queen and Philip naturally circumventing all this…foods organic before knowledge significance. Later, early encouragment from Prince Charles..real organic focus! From various estates…Balmoral, Scotland, Sandringham, Norfolk, England, Duchy of Cornwall! Their privilege, bluntly… sets apart entirely different lifestyles from subjects, that by chance, hugely beneficial health wise. Limited protein..mainly Elizabeth! Lots of seasonal estate fruit, vegetables. Elizabeth/Philip 65th Longevity!

Taste for country walks…also British trait, all a plus!…add to all this…disciplined upbringing, a taste and real capacity for athletic horsemanship. Philip and Charles with expensive Polo! Outdoors, in fantastic changing environments. Many breaks, changing activities, incredible vacations, even work, often in sunny climes. When working, commitment, but routine with paleolithic fasting echos…somewhat!

High tea at 5… penchant for barley water… early sleep retirement. Enough time-lapse for healthy three hours from food consumption! Peak Fasting! Elizabeth/Philip 65th Longevity!

State banquets…Elizabeth pecks! Instinctive, almost class avoidance of stodgy foods, addicted by British Riffraff! Negatives of their own status.. alcohol and carousing, somehow uniquely avoided!  Finally, consistency with weight throughout their lives. Health note, after all…..this site: youngerhealthier.com Blog..limited starches, including potatoes and pastas, but ‘limited’ protein. See Protein Counting! Partiality for fish and chicken…BUT small portions. Dr. Michael Greger, whom I admire and follow for his relentless research…check out his book ‘How Not to Die’…with interesting conclusion respecting diseases of affluence in China, and relationship to carbs…rice. The phenomenal upsurge in diabetes, occurring mostly past decade… prior Chinese enjoyed lowest rate! Exacerbation through a multiple glycemic spike..caused by excessive amounts of Western style…meats and fish….all protein! This toxic result, the Queen and even Philip who loves BBQ… seemingly bypassed, small portions..that general avoidance of underlying starch, and also movement/walking, combats glycemic spikes! Elizabeth/Philip 65th Longevity!