Home Health & Fitness Jumpstart Health Fasting. But Five Days Validated?

Jumpstart Health Fasting. But Five Days Validated?

Jumpstart Health Fasting. But Five Days Validated?
Jumpstart Health Fasting. But Five Days Validated?

What is amazing to me is how Dr. Michael Greger discusses this so objectively and thoroughly. That additionally validates the maximum health fasting period of 5 days that I have mentioned before. This mainly I believe because he specifically mentions Dr. Valter Longo.

Fasting Mimicking Diet… has been a major success with cancer patients

Valter is out of the University of Southern California and has developed the Fasting Mimicking Diet (FMD) which has been a major success with cancer patients.

He also is, in my opinion, the one singular credible researcher on actual Fasting.

This compared to Calorie Restriction and Intermittent Fasting. He actually has additionally introduced a fourth Fasting element: The Five Day Fasting Mimicking Diet.

The diet reciprocates a Five Day Water Fast. But by cheating the body into a belief that it is nevertheless Fasting.

Meaning some nutrients during the five days but not enough and of particular types of foods. This then persuades our body into believing that we are actually fasting!

As I mentioned, the whole fasting process has been a major success with cancer patients. Provision of some food, and thus avoidance of ongoing potential problems during fasting days.

But it does not destroy actual ketosis as the amount of food is still fairly marginal! In the end, it seems to give us solace mentally and to some extent physically.

Meaning? That we are not completely denying ourselves of food! Also, we avoid this way potential shock and toxin issues. And lastly, it allows for easier repetition.

This because of familiarity. There is not this big five-day fasting hurdle to leap over!

It is actually the repetition that is key to the encouragement of stem cell therapy.

The mitophagy caused by the impact on senescent mitochondria is a huge cleanout of these marginal and dangerous mitochondrial cells.

When they just sit around they are at risk of lapsing into cancer cells. Our bodies are actually designed to rid these dangerous circumstances!

We just kickstart that process! BUT I KNOW REAL PAYOFF is the stimulation of our STEM CELLS.

Valter Longo is very attuned as he has three decades of intensive research.

Plus he impacts humans with a limited and approved human trial. This to consider the effects of Fasting Mimicking Diets upon Cancer patients.

It’s the combination with Chemotherapy as a multiplier effect.

Taking it further than the five days, there commences a breakdown of our cellular systems

But it’s his research that gives us some of the MOST important knowledge, that being the length of time necessary to effectively fast. This means in consideration with the optimum cellular biogenesis, there is a sweet spot in time, before which (like as much as three days into fasting) there is no real substantial benefit. Taking it further than the five days, there commences a breakdown of our cellular systems. Also a breakdown and shrinkage of certain organs, most importantly the liver and kidney.

The magic is to have that breakdown starting but without any longterm disability effects! My thoughts now are that it amounts to just over four and a half days! That precise! Jumpstart Health Fasting. But Five Days Validated?