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Turmeric for Microbiome!

Turmeric for Microbiome!
Turmeric for Microbiome!

Read commentary on: Turmeric Curcumin for Microbiome….as a therapy for Ulcerative Colitis type issues. Dr. Michael Greger, whose indefatigable research validates such therapies, I respect. This is positive overlay to this WEB’s clear views on metabolic syndrome issues, is a confidence builder. Our gut is pivotal for metabolic syndrome issues…..but there are many tentacles. Consequently, understanding often difficult, and almost impossible for mainstream medicine. Specialists, are conditioned to protocols, and using standard autoimmune drug therapy. That in itself is highly complex, and fraught with its own severe risks…consequently they have little time for patient discussion, or thinking outside that box! Often prescription of autoimmune blockers is threatening to the patient’s life. Side effects can be devastating, and a potential wiping out of the immune system has far reaching consequences. This itself as a lone discipline demanding! Our microbiome is really our second brain…there is so much inter-connection. If we can just keep thinking build up of good flora and what that means! Essentially prebiotics and probiotics with right gut bacteria! BUT NOW… Turmeric for Microbiome!

Once the patient is on autoimmune drug therapy, say for Crohn’s, the real conundrum is ‘how’ to disentangle from those expensive autoimmune drugs, and maintaining remission. Turmeric for Microbiome!

I have witnessed consultants lack of patience with any such dialogue. Turmeric Curcumin an excellent anti-inflammatory over the past 40 years…recently positive results of a double blind placebo controlled trial out of New York, of some 43 persons, now give fortification to seriously assist any ‘continued’ remission, and a life free of autoimmune drugs…The Turmeric portion of a Turmeric/Curcumin component was the ‘player’ in a Dementia study, not necessarily Curcumin alone. Therefore this WEB suggests: take BOTH Turmeric powder and the Curcumin! ‘Turmeric Curcumin Spice Component’ comprises Turmeric as if it was the ‘parent’ with ‘some’ of the children Curcumin!

This is a nicety where to have one’s Turmeric AND Curcumin is the way! So, “Curry for the Cure”…. as was so aptly remarked in the journal editorial of The Crohn’s and Colitis Foundation of America!…..Turmeric for Microbiome!
