Home Healthy Lifestyle Vegan Means Health & Longevity!?

Vegan Means Health & Longevity!?

Vegan Means Health & Longevity
Vegan Means Health & Longevity

I have great admiration for two characters Brian Rose, who left a successful career in banking and launched his London Podcast and Dr. Neal Barnard, who is an advocate of the vegan diet for umpteen reasons!


The interchange between these two can be reviewed in the video of Barnard at the end of this article. Midway, right here I am anyway introducing Brian Rose who himself has a story:

We live in strange times.

Fortunes, and don’t I know it, can be won and lost on a dime! A serious coronavirus can come out of left field!

Circumstances change, and relationships in which one had the concept of perpetuity, are transient.

In many ways, I see myself as a potential Brian Rose.

The big “but” is whether I have the time or the disposable resources to subsidize the start-up for such a venture.

I have put the full commentary of Dr. Neal Barnard below. This man understands so many issues not least the incredible health advantages of a truly vegetarian

The debate as to partial organic meat with Brian Rose. Who ran an iron man on a challenge to do this vegan. Then relapsed somewhat is incredible.

My personal reaction! As someone (me!) who has a high CAC score and runs a high risk for the negatives of massive calcification? Is to personally wake up and walk that fine line of even achieving a ‘turnaround’! In other words, reduce the calcification/

But even more endearing are the comments of Barnard as to overall health improvement in all respects!

The one singular fear of Dementia and Alzheimer’s disease that hits almost one in two at my age is very likely forestalled. This inference result of the findings of the Rush Memory & Aging project initiated as long ago as 1997.

A publication a decade later! Bottom line: a vegan diet, coupled with other essential modalities, such as exercise is extremely positive and resistant.

The candid discussion of Rose and Barnard that Meat Eating NOT a healthy alternative! Salutory!

Ideally, we are great apes who incidentally are strong! We can do extremely well with our plants! Plus our planet would be better off!

The human resilience of traversing from African heritage and surviving in deplorable conditions, including ice and snow endured by Eskimos, is a testimony to just that will to survival!

Summary healthy diet vegetables fruits whole grains and legumes! Just be cautious if you are, or managed to achieve truly vegan, that you have B 12 supplement. And if we are in a Northern climate cover off Vitamin D deficiency!! Our beneficial sunlight is almost non-existent!

It truly seems that Vegan Means Health & Longevity!?

I have a soft spot for Dr. Neal Barnard.
