Home Healthy Lifestyle Jet Lag?.. Fasting Also Helps!

Jet Lag?.. Fasting Also Helps!

Jet Lag?.. Fasting Also Helps!
Jet Lag?.. Fasting Also Helps!

It is an irony that this Website considers Fasting a key to many health benefits…This is so whether it be Partial Fasting, Fasting Mimicking Diet (FMD) of Dr. Valter Longo, Water Fasting in the full sense…and now over coming Jet Lag…aside from Light assisting if deployed correctly….Fasting Also Helps! (this is utilizing a partial fast technically). This is almost a extra finesse to assist and accelerate recovery from Jet Lag. Unfortunately we often, really usually, minimize the devastation that flying through time zones causes our bodies and minds! The travel industry do not want us to hear about it! Fasting indeed is a powerful Metabolic intervener and seemingly majorly an effective cellular catalyst that also stimulates Autophagy and our Stem Cells. But it can also help reset our internal clock!

Jet Lag?..Fasting Also Helps! There are two key readjustment methods to help our bodies fight the onslaught of jet lag…that is LIGHT…and we have dealt extensively with this in our other articles. But there is also the FEEDING CYCLE.

A multi time zone traveler, Stoppani, is a person from whom one can just sense his weary almost endless business travel from his YouTube that I’ve included below… incidentally he is actually creating the YouTube from his airline seat! We have set up his YouTube below for your benefit. He makes the point of the partial fasting technique of utilizing a magic sixteen hours. This incidentally immediately sets into motion ketosis, and all the cellular ramifications that accompanies fat burning, and for that matter fasting. Although this is only a partial fast…fasting is fasting!

Adjusting our Circadian Clock is helped by letting our battery run down so to speak… Jet Lag? Fasting Also Helps!

We are not trying to accomplish the water fast for a complete cellular overhaul that this Web has frequently discussed, and advocates for Longevity and Youth claw back or Youthful regain…yes seriously!.. and that particular fasting activity and period of minimal time relates to Stem Cells themselves. Instead here we are attempting to initiate sufficient inter and intra cellular activity to change that internal clock of ours when traveling across time zones! Stoppani’s explanation seems more than plausible and may well ‘hold water’ especially for many of us who are used to some Ketosis fat burning! It certainly works for him and makes sense when one thinks through the processes!

A key assisting strategy is the shift in mealtimes…this is fairly obvious anyway as the new day is all around you…but for an excellent fine tune, it is best to use a technique developed at Harvard and Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center in Boston called the anti-jet lag fast…effectively as has been pointed out…a Partial Fast, and so graphically utilized and discussed by this business jet traveler in the you tube below! Now to listen carefully: he will fast so that the end of the fast is at 4 pm of the arriving day, some 7 hours after the new breakfast time…Jet Lag?..Fasting Also Helps!

This is effectively a partial fast anyway if one remained in one’s time zone, but the key here is to calculate the timing…and it may be that one starts well before boarding the plane…and end at that exact point 4.pm! and local time…that is the magic juncture to end the partial fast of sixteen hours. It would be helpful if one has been previously exposed to Ketosis as 99% of our Western world has not…and not being ever, throughout their lives! That way the hunger pains and need to eat something is somewhat ameliorated! But once you have this down pat…for instance become a faster with the strictures and cautions all outlined in this Web…then you are ahead of the game when traveling! Jet Lag?..Fasting Also Helps!

Determine the time of breakfast at the destination and fast using an intermittent fasting technique that personally regularly accomplish anyway for the minimum blue zone twelve hour fast, but for this purpose extend that to sixteen hours before that event of 4 pm local time.

The reasoning is brilliant…it is probably because fasting causes the master clock to suspend the circadian clock and thus instructs the body to sleep less. When food intake resumes, the master clock switches the circadian clock back on! As Mercola points out combining these dietary and TCM strategies along with properly timed light exposure and melatonin are likely among the best ways to relieve jet lag symptoms… so you can start your trip off right.