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Horrifying Addiction Our Major Issue!

Addiction our Major Issue
Addiction our Major Issue

Addiction hard drugs but also alcohol!

First: Right now we are facing a mounting opioid crisis. Consequently daily some 100 North Americans die after overdosing.

Second: there is mounting misuse and addiction to opioids. Further resulting particularly in form of pain relievers. But also all this, despite pharmaceutical companies, in the late 1950s, reassurance that patients would not become addicted!

Third: All resulting in greater, and mounting by the day, widespread prescription misuse. In 2015 more than 33,000 Americans dying as a result of opioid overdose. All of which including prescription, heroin, and illicitly manufactured fentanyl.

Fourth: Now Fentanyl is a powerful synthetic opioid. Moreover unfortunately increasingly smuggled into North America from China! Besides these 2015 numbers, just imagine the skyrocketing  numbers today, and those hooked with substance abuse!

Dr. Robert Lustig:

a) Have always had a profound respect for Dr. Robert Lustig, who wrote ‘Fat Chance: Beating the Odds Against Sugar, Processed Food, Obesity and Disease’.
b) He has now written ‘The Hacking of the American Mind; The Science Behind the Corporate Takeover of Our Bodies and Brains’.

Both are excellent reading, and really informative from Lustig. Not only an author of repute, but also emeritus professor of pediatrics, in the division of endocrinology, at the University of California.

He states:

‘As I was researching the data for ‘Fat Chance’ four years ago, it became very clear that ..the data had come in on the role of diet and behavioral health..we also now had neuro imaging studies…I realized …this issue dopamine and serotonin was actually at the core of what had now become our depression and opiate crises.

In summary we have three sources for this result:

first: pharmaceuticals now widespread.
second: processed foods…sugars and particularly High Fructose Corn Syrup.
third: other addictions, such as chronic use of social media, believe it or not. Resulting with concurrent releases of dopamine, that fuels ‘addiction’ states and thereby depletes seratonin. Consequently all this in turn risks fueling mounting nation wide depression.

How to raise Seratonin levels?

The answer to quote Dr. Mercola: ‘Raising your serotonin level increases which means happiness. The four ways to increase serotonin are all for free:
first: make human connections.
second: contributing to a larger cause will also cope with stress.
third: and cooking real food.’


All could not be said better! Remember Facebook is not a connection…as Dr. Lustig points out! I would also add Exercise, Continuous Movement and Heat Shock Proteins. Just search this site!