Home Authors Posts by Robert Gardner

Robert Gardner


Mask Dilemma, Micron Size?

Mask Dilemma, Micron Size?
https://youtu.be/JWC0YqG8iwU I cannot think of anything more horrific for a normal law-abiding citizen be that 'man' or in this case 'woman' 'handled' in the way...

Bold Yoga Breathing Nasal Exercises

Bold Yoga Breathing Nasal Exercises
https://youtu.be/-1cvrj1bYYc Wish I was much much younger with the knowledge I have now about breathing! I'm convinced that as a kid and teenager proper breathing...

Turbo-Charge Breathing and Breath Holding!

Turbo-Charge Breathing and Breath Holding!
https://youtu.be/G4tvVeEabWo I've come to a reluctant realization and startling conclusion at my age, that being, that I've been breathing incorrectly all my life! Firstly, when...

Multiple Benefits of Fasting!

Multiple Benefits of Fasting!
I have just gone through a five day fast. The benefits are well beyond that of weight loss.  There are in fact multiple benefits...

Overcoming Paranoid Fasting Rules!

Overcoming Paranoid Fasting Rules!
https://youtu.be/WflSZuUSbOw There seem to be some strict fasting rules intended to keep us focused on our goal but if we look at how we lived...

Safe Sleep & Brain Astrocytes!

Safe Sleep & Brain Astrocytes!
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FXsUTBdboOg The greatest fear of most of us as we age is keeping our minds! There are several modalities to offset Dementia and Alzheimer's and...

Menacing Coronavirus & Disinfecting Sprays

Menacing Corona Virus & Disinfecting Sprays
There is really so much misinformation out there on the Coronavirus Pandemic. One seriously important item relates to the direct use of disinfecting sprays!...

Authentic Autophagy Helps Viral Protection & Longevity!

Authentic Autophagy Helps Viral Protection & Longevity!
https://youtu.be/8CIzbIZaNZo Respecting COVID-19, evidence points to us getting two key variables right. We need a vitamin D level of at least 30 mg/mL (75 nmol/L)...

Uncovered Mistakes Intermittent & Full Fasting.

Uncovered Mistakes Intermittent & Full Fasting.
https://youtu.be/03UHPLVSA_w Right now I have just completed day 3 of a full 5 day fast. I do this approximately three to four times a year....

Pandemic Pollution Staggering Heartbreaking.

Coronavirus Plastic Pollution Staggering Heartbreaking.
https://youtu.be/o9J2YXzUh28 Back at the beginning of the pandemic, the WHO's position was that face masks offer little benefit. At this point, that attitude has changed...