Home Health & Fitness Cheat-Sheet Coronavirus Spread Includes Cellphones?

Cheat-Sheet Coronavirus Spread Includes Cellphones?

Cheat-Sheet Coronavirus Spread Includes Cellphones?
Cheat-Sheet Coronavirus Spread Includes Cellphones?

We are wedded to our cellphones. They pick up bacteria and many viruses. They have been called the Trojan Horse for global microbial transmission.

Personally I wipe my cellphone surface. It has a protective screen and can withstand plastic wet wipes about once or twice a day! It’s difficult to always remember!

But failure to wipe respecting THIS Coronavirus may not be statistically fatal as I now explain!

Incidentally, this helps my aversion to wet wipes. These contain undisclosed plastic that invariably finds its way to destroying our oceans, fish life, and also the very air we breathe.

Coronavirus wet wipe mentality and associated courier packaging is further catastrophic for the world plastic crisis.

But don’t let me get off track!

This pandemic has only encouraged growing cellphone use. In fact, it’s really mandated!

In many jurisdictions, our cellphones are being used as official trackers specifically in an attempt to control the Coronavirus infection curve!

There are frightening studies showing that the spread of disease in hospitals is largely contributed to by health care workers who carry and use their cell phones.

This all boils down to more than a potential global public health risk for microbial transmission.

A study from Bond University, Australia, essentially calls the cellphone a third hand. It is like an accelerated, warmed incubator for microbes.

It seems they have more pathogenic contamination than a toilet seat by many times, and just as shocking multiple bacteria and opportunistic pathogens.

Seventy percent Isopropyl alcohol for non-porous surfaces on cellphones seems a solution.

A positive though. COVID-19 is now thought to be spread mainly person to person contact. This virus does not seem to spread that easily through surfaces.

Cellphones have more pathogenic contamination than a toilet seat

The best caution is handwashing and distance! Now it could be that many of us unknow already have herd immunity!

A German study headed by Dr. Hendrick Streeck from the University Hospital in Bonnhas gives some perspective.

After sampling a home of one family with multiple SARS-CoV-2 infections, no live virus was found on ANY surface.

Also, the herd immunity factor, in that the number of unknown infections in Germany is significantly higher than originally thought.

This is a respiratory virus. Contaminated surfaces, although playing a role, are likely a much smaller risk factor.

Respiratory viruses are largely spread through breathing infected respiratory droplets. These droplets are not generally airborne but produced from sneezing, coughing, and speaking. Cheat-Sheet Coronavirus Spread Includes Cellphones?