Home Health & Fitness Concerns CoronaVirus and Life-Changing Vaccination!

Concerns CoronaVirus and Life-Changing Vaccination!

Concerns CoronaVirus and Life-Changing Vaccination!
Concerns CoronaVirus and Life-Changing Vaccination!

In the past, I have always been influenced by prevailing peer pressure to subject myself to taking the flu vaccination. In addition, much to the dismay of particularly my youngest teen, having her jabbed by our GP, much to her real horror, and on reflection genuine terror.

It’s no big secret that flu vaccines are, at best, an advanced, almost speculative guess on a best-case scenario, as to what flu might be circulating in the next flu season.

Most of the time the guess was ‘out’. The actual seasonal flu had outwitted the so-called experts ‘informed’ but speculative approach.

It usually takes years to fine-tune a vaccine.

A factor, well documented by Mercola, that the more jabs over the years, the less the natural resistance of the individual, sealed my anti attitude.

This has now become a hot topic with the Coronavirus. It could well be that many of those jabbed with original HIV vaccinations in the past harbour an alarming retrovirus.

This may be a disaster when that same individual is infected with the coronavirus.

Continually the vaccine proponents seem to get it wrong. I include Fauci who is often the so-called White House expert but seems to have a worrying history of personal investment in vaccines.

I also add the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. The idea that we have to have been vaccinated before we can participate in travel or even trite daily activities is mind-blowing.

Then I realize that the motivation of the Foundation may be motivated by its simultaneous investment in the very industries benefiting.

It should also be noted that conspiracy theories abound on both Fauci and Gates which may also be affecting the numerous reports on their motivation.

These are the drug companies potentially benefiting from lucrative dissemination of those very vaccines.

Personally know for a vaccine to be safe can literally take years. I am a product of the polio era and that took many years of trial and error.

The last thing I want is to be forcibly jabbed and subjected to a hurried vaccine that is potentially lethal. It usually takes years to fine-tune a vaccine.

But even worse compelled and ‘prematurely’ forced upon us in the name of saving humanity. This with a sneaking suspicion that also likely motivated by financial gain? Concerns CoronaVirus and Life-Changing Vaccination!