Home Healthy Lifestyle Google ‘Frugal’ Shirataki Noodle!

Google ‘Frugal’ Shirataki Noodle!


If there’s a choice between carbs and protein..side with carbs! Personally, because of my exercise regimen, there is leeway with carbs…the more fit and intense, the more leeway…with my weight of 145 lbs, I can go to total carbs minus fiber in the range of 80 grams or more! Thanks to Dr. Mercola’s tip, I now have an excellent reference to an exceptionally high fiber food. Shirataki noodles is a great fallback to compensate for too many carbs! Google ‘Frugal’ Shirataki Noodle!

Shirataki Noodle contains 97% water, 3% fiber, minimal calories, and no digestible carbohydrates! Known also as ‘miracle’ or ‘konjac’ noodle, it’s made from glucomannan fiber from the root of the konjac plant. This noodle is the ideal soluble gel helping satiate one’s appetite. It is an excellent prebiotic, the resulting fermentation process encouraging short chain fatty acids. Right gut bacteria nourished for our microbiome. Miracle results of this fermentation process, excellent for host of metabolic syndrome problems…including nightmare issue of leaky gut, and Crohn’s disease. There are a host of other goodies, including excellent mitochondrial responses, and positive metabolic signals. Gut dysfunction is a factor in depression and behavioral problems in both children and adults, too long overlooked. Fibers are either Soluble or Insoluble. See Article Fiber Soluble and Insoluble…about to come out…or already out by the time this is released…

In the Soluble Fiber department, Shirataki Noodles are a ‘Resistant’ starch, which is important for a Soluble starch, as the fermentation process is slow, and there is a non gassy result. For those of us who are pre diabetic or diabetic 2, what an excellent way to reduce insulin resistance! Google ‘Frugal’ Shirataki Noodle!

Some cultures have benefited from resistant starches and protected from devastation or our ‘advanced’ societies Examples are: underripe banana, rolled oats, lentils, seeds, white beans, and ironically products like potato and tapioca starch and brown rice flour. Cooking a normally digestible starch such as potato or pasta, and then cooling it in the refrigerator, will alter its chemistry into a ‘Resistant’ type starch!! Google ‘Frugal’ Shirataki Noodle!