Home Healthy Lifestyle Provocative Vitamin D Commentary, CNN Blunder?

Provocative Vitamin D Commentary, CNN Blunder?

Provocative Vitamin D Commentary, CNN Blunder?
Provocative Vitamin D Commentary, CNN Blunder?

On May 27 CNN published claims that taking Vitamin D supplements “can hurt a lot”. Thereafter a discussion of a toxic buildup of calcium that seems really misunderstood. This issue of calcium buildup is NOT caused by vitamin D itself, but by a failure to incorporate that magic vitamin K2 that is THE catalyst for Vitamin D.!

This kind of knowledge has been around for years now and it just astounds me that CNN have put their name behind this! The toxicity symptoms are a failure to combine the two vitamins, being Vitamin D and K2, for optimum deployment!

A British expert was cited to suggest that “there’s no evidence that very high vitamin D levels are protective against COVID-19.” But this in the face of several recent reports showing vitamin D levels appears to play a significant role in the overall risk of testing positive for COVID-19, as well as the risk of severe infection and death.

Vitamin K2 is THE catalyst for Vitamin D!

Dr. Mercola has also noticed this CNN article, and  he does an excellent job of destroying its credibility and he points out:

The statement that there is “no evidence that very high vitamin D levels are protective against COVID-19” is misleading.

This considering a number of reports from COVID-19 researchers now shows that vitamin D appears to play a significant role in this infectious disease.

Similarly, researchers have demonstrated that the age-specific case fatality rate of COVID-19 is highest in Italy, Spain, and France.

These European countries have a high incidence of severe vitamin D deficiency.

Also in an editorial review by Irish researchers, people with vitamin D deficiency appear to be far more prone to severe COVID-19 infections.

The authors say latitude plays an important role. 35 degrees North seems the pivotal point.

Countries such as Switzerland, and surprisingly Italy and Spain have low levels.

Whilst on the other had Nordic countries seem to have compensated for their latitude issues by a much higher average level of vitamin D with correlating improved results!

I have continually commented on a preference for real sunlight to allow our gene expression to be optimized. There are all sorts of tricks.

One should try to pick up the natural sunlight at a time when the sun is at its highest. Those with light skin just do not need to spend too much time!

But if you have dark skin then in a Northern climate you are at a disadvantage. You just need much more sun to achieve an optimum level.

It is not without coincidence that African Americans residing in New York, have suffered disproportionately in this Coronacrisis.

Provocative Vitamin D Commentary, CNN Blunder? Yes, it indeed was!