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Sports Cardiology BC

Sports Cardiology BC

Today is the opening of Sports Cardiology B.C. at the University of British Columbia Hospital. One prime motivation is the recommendation of The European Society of Cardiology (ESC) and the International Olympic Committee (IOC) that all young competitive athletes should be screened. This Research Clinic will make sudden cardiac death in both young and senior athletes a serious focus, both from a research and screening process. The facilities are bar none and will be a multi-disciplinary clinic. see www.sportscardiologybc.org… Sports Cardiology BC.

Lead Cardiologist and Chief Medical Officer at the 2010 Vancouver Winter Olympics, Dr. Saul Isserow and Dr. Jack Taunton provided the impetus for this initiative to become a Research leader in North America, which also includes Screening, Education, and Advocacy. Thus: Sports Cardiology BC.

Because athletes push beyond normal limits, tremendous heart strain results. Risk issues may now be more identified to avoid sudden cardiac death (SCD), then manage detected risks, that athletes remain active safely. It is surprising how frequently in North America, professional athletes succumb, and die in competition. Dr. Saul Isserow indicates devastatingly…. one issue: Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM), ‘the runners silent killer’, a genetic hazard causing one professional athlete, every other week, to drop dead!  Basis for book ‘Born to Run’, about Micah True, celebrated American ultra runner, from Colorado, who sadly succumbed at 58.

Adverse cardiovascular event risk during exercise, increases with age, because of atherosclerotic disease prevalence. Vital knowledge for seniors, particularly those with family histories of cardiovascular disease. Dr. Saul Isserow has poignantly stated “We do not have a health care system…we have a disease care system”. He further indicates a senior athlete, whilst exercising, for say an hour, has two to three times elevated risk of heart attack. BUT absent that exercise, then the balance 23 hours presents a much higher risk! Finally Sports Cardiology BC!