Home Health & Fitness Why I Seriously Vaccine Worry!

Why I Seriously Vaccine Worry!

Why I Seriously Vaccine Worry!
Why I Seriously Vaccine Worry!

I am an ardent supporter of vaccines so to enter the Vaccine Worry state is significant! As a boy frequently travelled to the Far East. Without vaccines I would not have survived. I remember the horror of polio and the ‘final’ adaptation of a vaccine that did not have complications. Recall avoiding girls from a private English school on seeing their uniforms, just because they had the infection at their school!

  • Education is incredible, but you would think that our politicians and medical leaders think we have no mind!
  • Personally sure I was infected with Covid 19 in early January and all members of household.
  • This likelihood extreme as there was huge interaction with our very sizeable Chinese community with prior intense China and Wuhan travel.
  • Instinctively know there has been universal Covid cheating and minimizing, and WHO manipulation and deflection!
  • The virus at large, logical reasoning, governmental controls and reports, complaint investigation, all extremely suspect.

Proving I had Covid difficult at this point. The ‘million dollar question’ is having had Covid, and feeling relatively safe, is it wise now to have this experimental vaccine?

All of which leads me to Vaccine Worry!

Put another way, better off relying on my natural immunity, and is this significantly compromised with the very nature of mRNA vaccines?

It’s common knowledge that ANY vaccine has little chance of passing stage one or two of safety tests normally taking years. This has clearly been bypassed by emergency measures that NOW overtly gambles on the viability of these vaccines.

  • Also know that it is NOT usual to have reactions to vaccines, and under normal medical circumstances there would be alarm and alertness.
  • We are in a surreal world. Are we going ‘hell for leather’ to use a British expression. Riding recklessly?
  • Thus wryly ‘into the valley of death rode the six hundred’ was Tennyson’s poem for the Charge of the Light Brigade.
  • They knew their charge was mistaken and reckless. They faced cannon! But theirs was ‘not to reason why’ but to ‘do and die’.
  • Know just by looking at masks, and looking at Fauci, that they are virtually useless. Effectiveness really means a self contained system!
  • Also know that most of our population is freaked out. But at the same time the younger crowd has consistently, and at large, been ‘cheating’.
  • In their minds most of this is ‘blarney’.. But now a real question, whether youth can also ‘weather’ the vaccines!
  • Protocols chopped and changed so much: mixing of vaccines, changing intervals, PCR testing and CT rate changing, and often surreptitiously to assist a point!
  • At the moment CTs dropped both in the States and Canada, particularly British Columbia, and it makes for fewer apparent infections!
  • We already know that the Covid deaths are down…like one here and there! Now our bureaucracy is supposedly working miracles with varying CTs and patting themselves on back!
  • The big questions: are these apparent miracles sustainable now that the majority of the population actually vaccinated? Or is there more susceptibility to new strains?

We will see, although there may be a side step to blame problems again on not enough discipline! The old repetitive story!

I have an assistant trying to avoid the vaccine. But she needs to travel! Yes the Covid passports are now a reality. And so charged the Light Brigade ‘six hundred’! Why I Seriously Vaccine Worry!