Home Health & Fitness Vitamins Fight Dementia, Alzheimer’s.

Vitamins Fight Dementia, Alzheimer’s.

Vitamins Fight Dementia, Alzheimer's
Vitamins Fight Dementia, Alzheimer's

Interesting balance between vegetarian, vegan, and some consumption animal foods: meats, fish, eggs, dairy including cheeses. Problem with ‘complete’ vegan is, my opinion, non Paleolithic. DNA expects predominance ‘vegetarian’ and ‘fruit’. Our so called ‘civilized’ developed society far cry! Backdrop of trash food and drinks, coupled with toxic overload, exposure antibiotics and engineered foods, you name it, now rampant. This WEB has often discussed Vitamin Deficiency, and the historical connection for instance to Captain Cook and how scurvy a result of lack Vitamin C, had far reaching and even historical implications. But the sad story is that deficiencies in Vitamins generally still have far reaching health implications, and by way of example, but not an exclusive solution, am zeroing in on Dementia and Alzheimer’s…particularly as this sector represents fastest developing world health apocalypse. But…in part…Vitamins Fight Dementia, Alzheimer’s.

Many factors impact Metabolic Syndrome diseases, or as prefer the expression: Insulin Resistance Syndrome! For Alzheimer’s it is not just vitamin deficiency…BUT vitamin deficiency nevertheless overwhelmingly significant factor! Vitamins Fight Dementia, Alzheimer’s.

Recent Korean study concludes right vitamin supplementation dramatically slows cognitive decline. Example: Mental Fogginess maybe signals vitamin B12 deficiency. BUT a need full spectrum of B vitamins, especially ‘folates’, or B 9, known as folic acid. Advantage of omnivorous diet is that good omega 3 levels symbiotic with the B vitamins range…they are needed for an effective result! Homocysteine level decrease, which is an indirect objective. B vitamin source foods include: meats, fish, eggs and dairy products. But B 12 is a large molecule, subject to ‘intrinsic factor’, or GIF, in our gut…a glycoprotein produced by the stomach parietal cells, helping absorption of B 12 later in small intestine. Negatives for that stomach activity…perhaps too much coffee, and antacids!

Finally, vitamins C, and D, continue to play their own roles…C is an IQ enhancer, and seems to protect the brain from degeneration and stokes (incidentally C and E are synergistic….another example!) and is indicative for detoxifying heavy metal, by ability to cross the blood-brain barrier. D, vitally important, and also a brain vitamin that most of us are deficient, and synergistic…that word again…with Vitamin K 2 and Magnesium; but ideally, mostly, if at all POSSIBLE, obtained from real sunlight! Thus…Vitamins Fight Dementia, Alzheimer’s.