Home Healthy Lifestyle Forever Healthy Fish? Shocking Shameful Environmental Problem!

Forever Healthy Fish? Shocking Shameful Environmental Problem!

Forever Healthy Fish? Shocking Shameful Environmental Problem!
Forever Healthy Fish? Shocking Shameful Environmental Problem!

Fish and seafood often recommended sources of healthy protein and essential fatty acid nutrients.  Research sometimes suggests that fish may help us live longer lives but moreover, a less diseased life with a lower risk.

BUT let us analyze this!

We will cover briefly metal, including mercury contamination. But focus on SUSTAINABILITY.
Seriously important to many segments of our population! Particularly the Greta Thurnberg followers of which there are huge emerging numbers.
A concept that fish is generally healthy! AND Adventist Health Study demonstrates that pescatarians who have a plant-based diet have the longest life expectancy.
BUT many issues:
Is fish farmed? What kind of feed? What kind of fish? Or is it wild and fast swimming? What region is it fished? Also, the risk of toxins even from open water farmed fish as opposed to land-based farms.

What is startling is that 2019 review of 44 studies that was published in the highly specialized medical journal PLEFA (“Prostaglandins, Leukotrienes & Essential Fatty Acids”  reveals remarkable research conclusion that

Children of mothers who ate seafood weekly had significantly higher verbal I.Q. scores.

Children who ate seafood had better school grades, and higher I.Q. by as much as 9.5 points when compared to their peers who ate no fish.

The reasoning seems that Fish high in Long Chain Omega 3 Fatty Acids (EPA and DHA).

Are these beneficial for brain and cardiovascular health? That may be a complicated answer as the real culprits are generally seen as red meat and processed foods.

Add this to the fact that fish eaters tend to exercise more and are less likely to smoke.

Negatives of Wild fish:

If in polluted water they are at top of the food chain, so there is a lot of worry about mercury, PCBs or polychlorinated biphenyls. Also, industrial fishing is ruthless and destroying the overall fish population and marine balance.

Overfishing a major inbalance right now

Overfishing will ultimately lead to a dire prophecy

Commercial fishing industries are actually harvesting over 160 billion pounds of sea life out of the ocean every year which means half of a billion pounds every single day. And if fishing rates continue apace, nearly all of the world’s fisheries will collapse in the next 30 years.

Even commercial fishing nets and paraphernalia a major hazard, leaving tons of netting debris in the oceans!

Approximately 40% of the global commercial catch is actually not the intended species. This 40% called “bycatch”, including species like dolphins, sharks, whales, sea turtles, and anything else that happens to be swimming through at the time of the catch.

Even fisheries that are certified sustainable have been found to toss a large percentage of their catches overboard, including all that “bycatch”.

To quote: “All resulting in the destruction of our precious and vital ecosystem.”

BUT: Forever Healthy Fish? Shocking Shameful Environmental Problem!