Home Health & Fitness Alzheimer’s & Past Infections

Alzheimer’s & Past Infections

Alzheimer disease

Fascinating research out of Harvard has postulated a connection between Alzheimer’s & Past Infections. Those sticky amyloid plaques, equated to dreaded Alzheimer’s, may actually be a protection from brain infection and thus once a POSITIVE occurrence! This could further turn whole Alzheimer thinking upside down! Invaders trapped to die in amyloid-like cages!…as result beta-amyloid proteins really innate, BUT beneficial, immune response…thus positive deployment of consequential antimicrobial peptides!? The problem: now apparent inability to remove and clean out plaques once there! Why? AND ALZHEIMER’S epidemic of giant proportions? NO doubt our lifestyles are grossly failing us. Knowledge these plaques initiated for protection just even more frustrating!

From a DNA , paleolithic perspective, we have no doubt, inherited, thanks to millennium upon millennium of Darwinian survival and death, this apparently now discerned, very workable threshold, that traps virus, bacteria, fungi and other foreign invaders. Even the inherent nightmares of Mad Cow disease, caused by the horror of feeding animals their own ground body parts, are segregated from crossing that brain threshold barrier! Problem seems…the SECONDARY step of cleansing. This I say now attributed to our grossly non-paleolithic way of life, exacerbated…to name a few…by our foods, toxins, disproportionate balance fats/proteins and carbs, failure with fibers, poor microbiome metabolisms, failure to move or minimally exercise, stress, insufficient sunlight…etc. etc!

These factors just multiply, and increase rapidly increasing chance of Alzheimer’s.  Alzheimer’s & Past Infections.

North American aging population, which by 2050, with rapid march of Alzheimer’s, may amount to 15 millions of sufferers! Staggering. Indirectly a massive social disaster. We should deploy every tool advocated on this WEB. Am especially concentrating in this important sector. Example: Vitamin D has the ability to revitalize brain receptors, and enable nerve growth. This long and still overlooked vitamin protects brain cells by jump starting glial cells.These nurse, and cure damaged neurons, and help produce many necessary antimicrobial peptides, and seemingly highly relevant to the subject matter of this article.

The combination of Vitamin D, ‘one on one’ Magnesium and Calcium, with Vitamin K 2, is a MUST…particularly in the absence of sufficient sunlight! Alzheimer’s really prevalent in Northern latitudes. Best source of Vitamin D is natural sunlight so scarce in these latitudes. Alzheimer’s & Past Infections.