Home Healthy Lifestyle Sinful Bureaucracy Damage & Indigenous Stress!

Sinful Bureaucracy Damage & Indigenous Stress!

Bureaucracy Damage & Life Stress!
Bureaucracy Damage & Life Stress!


A self satisfied ‘holier than thou’ nightmare, for those caught in its duplicitous, viscous web!
Historically been complicit with the harshest body punches to Canada’s Indigenous Peoples.
The pain and suffering of forcible removal Indigenous children from their families and communities to Canada’s residential school system.
Furthermore even now still at just political platitude and apology stage.

But parallel continues with intentional, utter amoral, kidnapping. Moreover the saga and then continuous mistreatment of isolated and vulnerable children.  Namely, dragged from their families and heritage. Finally just starting to dawn in its horrendous enormity.


Indigenous mother hanging in, after a decade of bureaucratic obfuscation, contempt, and obfuscation, from the forcible removal of her three boys from her home.
Despite her immediate cure for excuse of removal. Namely mother immediately left violent father and her appropriate home. Thus memory of ‘tug of war’ when impervious bureaucrats seized her kids, two babies!
Imagine these persons so protected legally, including their willingness, as happened, to threaten jail for mother’s subsequent relentless search.
But Never giving up! There are about 10,000 Manitoba Indigenous seized!
“hey don’t stand in our way, we have ten more ‘child grabs’ today”
Just imagine the overwhelming children and parental stress. and over years.

Manitoba is not alone, although its an Indigenous extreme. As well as Manitoba, there are other children, other Provinces, other bureaucracies. Also armed to teeth legal powers. In particular they rationalize beliefs, and usual platitudes for social benefit!

Recently first hand experience of close family, ‘followed’ and ‘beset’ by hand of bureaucracy, to her school! Incredulity at this wanton behavior, but its ‘believable’ because of past legal perspective. It is sometimes difficult for the very bureaucracies involved to control the behavior of those they hire! They have their own internal bureaucracy!

BUT real concern: long term damage, in this case abject fear, and irreparable damage, both mind, and the inevitable body punch.

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is something our DNA seems poorly equipped to handle. Its foreign to our DNA!

Stress origins Fight or Flight! Finally entertain reality PTSD for soldiers, but children? Moreover to boot: when initiated on hypocritical altar of one’s own bureaucratic organs of government’! One thing being on ‘front lines’ but in one’s home. AND now back to that Manitoba Indigenous nightmare, we have to do something about that!
