Home Health & Fitness Longer Ring/Index Finger Promotes CoronaVirus Resistance!

Longer Ring/Index Finger Promotes CoronaVirus Resistance!

Longer Ring/Index Finger Promotes CoronaVirus Resistance!
Longer Ring/Index Finger Promotes CoronaVirus Resistance!

Let’s make this simple! About twice as many men as women succumb to CoronaVirus. This ‘digit ratio’ superimposes, and shows the vulnerability of being male once contracting the disease!

Some populations seem to have a NATURAL inheritance factor for a favourable ratio. Such as Russia, Mexico and Malaysia, being a strange mix of countries. Other countries such as the United Kingdom, Spain and Bulgaria exhibit a NEGATIVE inheritance factor.

What I find interesting is the apparent likelihood that ratio is also affected upon the unborn fetus in the mother’s womb.

As I am a product of the United Kingdom heritage, this seems to have occurred in my case!

For once something by chance and favourable! If there is as they say significant testosterone exposure ‘in utero’ then the environment seems to induce this protection.

What is amazing is that this is unique to young baby boys, as we have in this survey eliminated the factor for girls.

They, the girls, already seem at a later age to have the favourable edge of about two-fold anyway! This indicates some innate protection unrelated to the length of one’s digit.

But for boys technically it is the inherent protection of those past testosterone levels upon the enzyme called ACE2.

This may be a saving factor exhibiting with this certain physiological finger ratio type. Also, some populations appear to have this quality in their males anyway.

The video above is the boyfriend of one of my daughters. His origin is Russian.

Sure enough, he exhibits the digital ratio that is favourable for males. I think this is simply because of his natural and favourable Russian genetic origin, although the ratio is there anyway, and plain to see!

While coronavirus binds to ACE2 receptors and uses it to enter cells where it can wreak havoc.

It seems that a male with high prenatal testosterone has levels of that enzyme ACE2 to actually fight the virus.

Now the statistics and these are generated from international cooperation of university research.

These include my Welsh heritage, being Swansea University, which was puzzled as to why more men than women were dying from COVID-19.

It turns out to be twice as many. As many as 41 countries, and several universities, including Basel in Switzerland, were involved in this research and approximated 200,000 persons!

This is just one indicator of CoronaVirus resistance.

BUT conclusion for just this one indicator. A ring finger that’s longer than the index finger, which leads to a smaller digit ratio, means higher exposure to testosterone in the womb, (or maybe and coincidentally simply by origin!) and this is linked to a lower risk of dying from COVID-19.

Remember the digit ratio must be that the ring finger is longer than the index finger!

This is called a smaller digit ratio and is a favourable factor in the unfortunate event of say a senior contracting this disease.

It almost seems that uniquely there is a fantastic protective effect upon the lungs which are so vulnerable to this disease.

Low testosterone, in turn, increases overweight and obesity, “creating a self-perpetuating cycle of metabolic complications,”  an important connection since obesity has also been highlighted as a major risk factor for severe COVID-19.

My opinion is that if you are lucky to have this favourable finger ratio, thank providence. You could well just have a natural built-in defence.

But ALSO limit sugars, boost healthy fats, participate in HIIT and HIST or strength training, optimizing vitamin D and reducing stress.

All are helpful strategies to boost testosterone levels naturally.

More than 99% of fatalities from COVID-19 occur among people with underlying medical conditions.

Among the fatalities, 76.1% had high blood pressure, 35.5% had diabetes and 33% had heart disease.

We need that cascade of positives to protect us from the disease. This particularly so if we are male, and happen to have the wrong digital ratio! But if you are lucky to have it right thank providence! Longer Ring/Index Finger Promotes CoronaVirus Protection!