Home Health & Fitness Nobel Laureate Montagnier: Man-Made Coronavirus Petering Out?

Nobel Laureate Montagnier: Man-Made Coronavirus Petering Out?

Nobel Laureate Montagnier: Man-Made Coronavirus Petering Out?
Nobel Laureate Montagnier: Man-Made Coronavirus Petering Out?

An academic with substantial research chops has inserted himself into the debate on the origin of our current pandemic. French virologist Luc Antoine Montagnier, a researcher at the prestigious Pasteur Institute in Paris. Awarded a Nobel prize, along with two others, in Physiology in 2008. This prize for discovering the HIV virus. He is now speaking out in regards to Covid-19.

Montagnier, “carefully analyzing the description of the genome of this RNA virus” along with his colleague, biomathematician Jean-Claude Perez, both came to the believe the following:

Appearing on the French podcast Pourquoi Docteur, April 17, Montagnier says the coronavirus probably escaped in an “industrial accident”.

Understanding that Chinese scientists at the Wuhan city laboratory were trying to develop a vaccine against HIV.

“In order to insert an HIV sequence into this genome, molecular tools are needed, and that can only be done in a laboratory,”.

BUT Montagnier also believes that the pandemic will naturally extinguish itself because of, what he believes, its synthetic origins.

Montagnier: “pandemic will ‘peter out’ because nature will override the synthetically inserted sequences that make COVID-19 so deadly.”

According to website Corvelva, Montagnier says on a podcast that the pandemic will ‘peter out’ because nature will override the synthetically inserted sequences that make COVID-19 so deadly.

As they decode the genomes of myriad COIVID-19 “relatives” in their research paper, Montagnier and Perez detect mutations.

It seems these mutations and variances have been generally accepted by the global scientific community.

The viruses seem to be trying to “rid” themselves of different Exogenous Informative Elements (EIE), which these researchers believe were inserted deliberately into the genome.

The virus subsequent and seemingly accepted mutations seem to verify Montagnier’s Pourquoi Docteur podcast predictions.

That nature will eliminate “unnatural changes” This is the reason he is hopeful this pandemic will come to a natural ending.

In June 2020, research published in the Quarterly Review of Biophysics makes similar claims.

Norwegian scientist Birger Sørensen and British oncologist Angus Dalgleish both refer to COVID-19 as a “chimeric virus” so named after the mythological Chimera which was formed from the parts of different animals.

Their conclusion:

“Nature does not accept any molecular tinkering, it will eliminate these unnatural changes and even if nothing is done, things will get better, but unfortunately after many deaths”

Montagnier himself seems to rely on… ” the finding of four unique inserts in the 2019-NCOV, all of which have identity/similarity to amino acid residues in key structural proteins of HIV-1 is unlikely to be fortuitous in nature.”

That is a profound statement and underscores my overall general concern that these myriad labs and scientists all over the world in the end just cause immense mischief and to our detriment.

But in this particular case Man-Made Relentless Coronavirus Petering Out?