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Marmite, Air Pollution Solution & More!

Marmite, Air Pollution Solution & More!
Marmite, Air Pollution Solution & More!

Marmite, Air Pollution Solution & More! For the past month the Province of British Columbia in Canada has been on fire!! Let us briefly reflect how useless bureaucracy has been over the past many decades in not allowing natural fires to naturally burn away under bush…the rules for logging companies we will not even touch! It is very likely that the billions of $ wasted on Beetle infestations and mounting fire hazards could have been entirely averted with some sensible foresight by avoiding bureaucratic senseless intervention for intervention sake! Recently went to Osoyoos that is on the border with the U.S. and was shocked at the air quality.

Also shocked at the apparent oblivion of most people outside inhaling the smoke particles as they play golf and swim with their children who are particularly vulnerable! The  general abandon of dining out at vineyards inhaling the smoke…and those restaurants booked to the max! The risks of double jeopardy with intense exercise…and the ignorance that masks present no protection for those whose work necessitates continual presence! Even air conditioners are vulnerable as the particles merely bypass the filters and are thus circulated within the buildings!

Now one big assist to remove particle pollution is vitamin B6 and that is naturally from the Marmite bottle! Marmite, Air Pollution Solution & More!

marmite for stress and anxiety

As a young boy out of post war Britain was exposed to Marmite big time! The two products: Marmite…vegetable based..in fact yeast based! and Bovril…animal based. Both an acquired taste…and seemingly the Aussies have that with their Vegemite even one called Aussiemite! Personally, loved the savory taste and the spread on toast! Been through the ignorance stage of non realization that vegetarian based foods generally a better option…but also the ignorance stage of non realization of how important a full range of Vitamins particularly such as B 12 for those predominantly vegetarian or especially vegan! But Marmite kind of solved that issue with additives! Particularly B12 and they found themselves immediately in hot water in countries such as Denmark that believe foods should not contain additives! But B12 is an essential vitamin for brain health, including fighting Dementia and Alzheimer’s. and indeed the fact that it is added is on balance probably an enormous plus!!

Marmite provides good amounts of protein, iron and selenium, as well as minerals magnesium and potassium, along with vitamin B. Vitamin B is more than just one vitamin, which is why it’s often referred to as “B vitamins,” denoting more than one, with unique benefits for each. As mentioned earlier, it’s the vitamin B1 (thiamin), vitamin B2 (riboflavin), vitamin B3 (niacin), vitamin B6 and folate that makes the case for eating Marmite for brain health! Because B12 usually derived from animals, most of those sources doubtful or CAFOs…with an exception of Wild Alaska Salmon and Krill!

Single teaspoon of Marmite provides 50 percent of the recommended daily reference intake (DRI) of vitamin B2, 39 percent of vitamin B1 and 29 percent of vitamin B3. Significant is that Vitamin B6 fights unwanted germs, strengthens immune system and even protects against the damaging effects of air pollution. It’s also involved in normal brain development, function and mood, as well as your brain’s neurotransmitters, or signaling system for most of your body’s vital functions.

Teaspoon of Marmite also supplies 15 percent of your DRI in vitamin B9 (folate), which helps repair tissues and aids in cell metabolism and immune support. A deficiency in folate (the synthetic version being folic acid) has been shown to play a role in a number of neurological disorders. The University of Victoria, Australia, after survey in excess of 500 persons have found stress and anxiety much improved with the taking of Marmite!

Marmite invented by accident when German scientist Justus von Liebig discovered in the late 19th century that brewer’s yeast, which was readily available through Staffordshire, England, and where it was first manufactured!..could be concentrated and made into a condiment.

Finally another health addage: High salt was thought to be another alarming factor in the sale, distribution and widespread consumption of Marmite and Australian counterparts, but scientists have been accepting, that, rather than being the “killer” it’s been made out to be, natural salt is actually vital to your health. This blog has incidentally gradually changed it’s attitude to salt as well and is almost lockstep with Dr. Mercola! Marmite, Air Pollution Solution & More! Marmite, Air Pollution Solution & More!