The athletic world has ‘covertly’ utilized Infra Red for legal enhancement! Look at the secrecy at the recent Brazil Olympics and yet more to come this year! But also technology sometimes makes quantum leaps! Laser therapy WAS integral to Photobiomodulation therapy…then Light Emitting Diodes (LEDs), suddenly economic era arrived! Photomodulation Treatment Now Universally Accessible! Immediately challenges expensive laser costs and inherent safety concerns. Harvard Professor Michael Hamblin describes HIS use. Wraps around his head, it is very flexible, and LED…called OLEDs! He certainly not athletic…but compensatory exposure few minutes daily really beneficial to his brain! My analysis…that not only has he mastered and understood…but even realizes…he can get away with exercise and sunlight deficit, yet remain ahead of the pack!
Summary of different wavelength light benefits: BLUE. pain reliever and…caution potential damage retina…its a morning light and SAD fighter. RED. anti-inflammatory… improves macular degeneration! Optimal 660 nm! Then NEAR INFRA-RED. for tendons, cartilage, bones…deep set structures..seems powerful for kidneys! optimal mid 800s nm! To quote Hamblin: ‘…old folks…dying kidney failure. You can’t really give them transplants because they’re elderly. You put a near-infrared LED array where their kidneys are and it seems to work like a dream…it’s hardly been studied at all…’ WOW! Michael Hamblin is well tuned into what Dr. Mercola has called ‘the pharmacological paradigm’.

Photobiomodulation has existed as a therapy for nigh on a hundred years! Photomodulation Treatment Now Universally Accessible!
The Swiss…great results before Second World War…how many times were TB sufferers almost magically cured in their clear mountain air?! Now…thanks to Michael Hamblin, and handful researchers…mechanisms finally becoming intelligible. Because our civilization ‘recently’ relied on drug therapy…as Dr. Mercola aptly observes: ‘..many simple yet profoundly effective and inexpensive strategies fell by the wayside…take psychiatric drugs for example…they have virtually no positive benefits, but large number of serious side effects.’ For brain health and Alzheimer’s, Professor Hamblin says: ‘just putting a simple near-infrared light on your head works better than these drugs, I sincerely hope that interest in these kinds of modalities will grow, and that scientists and medical professionals will give it more attention. As a layperson, you could also follow the parameters given to safely and successfully integrate this kind of light therapy into your life at a relatively low cost.’..Photomodulation Treatment Now Universally Accessible!