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Obesity and Plastic Chemicals

Obesity and Plastic Chemicals
Obesity and Plastic Chemicals

Our world plastics inundated…even middle of Pacific Ocean has, because of prevailing currents and winds, hundreds of square miles of plastic refuse Some thirty years ago I sailed right through this trash pond, with horror then…not realizing that it is just a visible portion of extreme ocean, and fish poisoning from humans! This article does not even touch the microscopic plastics from laundry of our clothes and industrial waste…ironically from synthetics and the clothing industry…this may be the new Non Green arena and natural leathers, furs, the new Green arena! My then thought mid Pacific: How to stop humans from using plastic bottles. It seems ridiculous that so much energy is wasted in making the bottles, transporting with accompanying energy wastage, and pollution,..water! Recycling metal or glass containers seems an obvious. But never thought Obesity and Plastic Chemicals!

But NOW there may be serious health consequences…direct link between hormone-disrupting plastic chemicals such as BPA (Bisphenol-A) and obesity, and tainting plastic bottles, …Obesity and Plastic Chemicals.

Researchers have demonstrated that BPA can accelerate the production of new fat cells in the petri dish and now NYU have associated those with higher levels of BPA with obesity, particularly in children and adolescents. BPA causes Obesity. It seems the BPA is everywhere and its largely, around about 90%, from what we eat, as opposed to what we touch. Personally, relating to the balance of 10%…try to avoid handling those BPA ridden receipts that appear out of gas station pump stations, credit card machines, and proffered by unsuspecting staff, at coffee stands, such as TIMs when customers, also unsuspecting, aske for a physical receipt!

The number of nanomoles in our blood of BPA…ranges up to 20…actually drops off, IF we stay away from plastic bottles for our water…AND abstain from canned or processed foods. The drop off after a few days of abstinence is significant. Means less internal fat cells in our bodies being produced, and one less contributor to obesity! Answer: never buy plastic bottles, instead for fun get one of those machines that create sparkling water! I have one and will use it until I find out the carbon dioxide perhaps an issue!! For carrying water, use metal or glass containers. Obesity and Plastic Chemicals.