Benefits Time Restricted Feeding

    Benefits Time Restricted Feeding
    Benefits Time Restricted Feeding

    I always go to basic paleolithic and survival principles when over viewing our health concerns that ‘stem’ from our so called ‘advanced society’…I could not  be more cynical! BUT eons of survival that each one of us has enjoyed through countless ancestors is embedded in our DNA. The resulting epigenetic factors are astounding, particularly when we include Benefits Time Restricted Feeding.

    Imagine our ancestors waking up in that cave…or any safe haven…that which constituted  their home for their family…the fire in embers (and remember fire relatively an eye-blink evolutionary terms)…but night task accomplished…protection from dangerous animals, mosquitoes, even other preying humans! There was no fridge, no instant breakfast! Another normal day of feast or famine. Our ancestor hunter gatherers continuously on the move. Ketone, fat burning diet, essentially the norm…..that means sometimes more than 12 or 13 hours of no food and on occasion zero food…perhaps for days!…when this happened the human body muscle and liver, naturally depleted in carbohydrates (glycogen). Put another way, our eating process likely normally in restricted window of time…and occasional extremes! But Benefits Time Restricted Feeding: They are incredible resultant intrinsic and DNA upload benefits. Now know we can actually overcome inherited disadvantages through this ‘override’ miracle we all possess. If we have Metabolic Syndrome inherited issues…these in reality can really be offset! Benefits Time Restricted Feeding?…first, our body ‘renews’ itself from undifferentiated stem cells that repair our tissues and organs; second, a) the resultant cellular autophagy in those cells and mitochondia: b) mitophagy or orderly self destruction and cellular removal of cellular damage and ‘garbage’; third, the symbiotic advantage of what and how we eat through eons food adaptation.

    Ideal proportions of food…shorthand reminder…concurrently, non fibre (net) carbs 5%, fibre carbs 10%; then proteins 10 to 15%; with balance in good fats including saturated fats. What does all this accomplish? Myriad…examples: overcoming negatives of glucose metabolism relating to cancer, remember Warburg? that cancer literally thrives on oxygen, byproduct of today’s invariable glucose diet…But the positives ASTOUNDING. Mitochondrial dysfunction is the core to most diseases. Not just what we eat…our high sugar, high “HFCS” or High Fructose Corn Syrup, high carbohydrate, high protein …all just disasters. BUT maintaining and eating the right balance, combined with the timing of ‘WHEN’ we eat! BUT if your work out happens to occur ‘during’ the “TRF” or Time Restricted Feeding period. serious tip….to avoid muscle loss, take some protein right after to avoid inevitability of some muscle wastage! ideal is Whey…it is fast absorption! But then remember that this already means 35 grams of protein to compensate the balance of the day from over eating proteins. Benefits Time Restricted Feeding…! It’s complicated, but also worth while!