Home Health & Fitness Unique Pistachio Nuts Work Magic?

Unique Pistachio Nuts Work Magic?

Unique Pistachio Nuts Work Magic?
Unique Pistachio Nuts Work Magic?

Pistachio Nuts are natural Melatonin producers! I would even advocate travelling with pistachio nuts, only with just three or four, as the best solution for jump-starting circadian rhythms! Another reason is the  unreliable concentrations within hot selling melatonin pills!

Pistachios should also be our favourite fat burning and heart-healthy snack according to Cat Ebeling. Co-author of: The Fat Burning Kitchen.

Ebling points out that most come from California in their ‘tan’ shells. She says ‘Pistachios have become elevated to almost everyone’s favourite snack.

And asks ‘pistachios are one of the most nutritious nuts you can eat?’:
A small 1-ounce serving contains over 30 vitamins, minerals and other powerful nutrients.
helps burn fat, improve cholesterol and heart health, balance out blood sugar, and even improve your sex life!
also, Pistachios contain some of the highest protein and healthy fats of any nuts, so they make a healthy snack,
nutrients, keep blood sugar low, and burn fat.
further Pistachios rank high among nuts having the highest amounts of antioxidant activity of any food.
Antioxidants help prevent free radical damage, which allows for healthy cell reproduction, slows ageing, and prevents chronic disease…

These yummy nuts have loads of healthy fat, and one of the best fat-burning snacks.

A good source of unsaturated fatty acids and numerous antioxidants,
and one of the richest sources of potassium, vitamin B-6, beta-carotene, and lutein + zeaxanthin.
they contain a healthy amount of protein, fibre, and selenium (good for thyroid health) as well.

Cat Ebeling continues with five great reasons to adopt Pistachios as a snack food…so long as you are not nut allergic, as my daughter is! Following is the list:

1. Vitamin B6 – B6 is vital for helping to produce certain neurotransmitters that protect the brain and nervous system. What’s more, B6 helps banish depression and anxiety, increase your ability to break down and process fat cells, ups your energy levels, improve premenstrual syndrome, and help attention-deficit issues like ADD and ADHD.
B6 is also one of the most important vitamins to lower homocysteine levels a leading indicator of heart disease.
2. Improved Heart Health and Cholesterol Levels – This study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition shows a definite and significant reduction in the harmful LDL cholesterol with as little as one serving a day,
3. Diabetes Fighter – Eating pistachios has a beneficial effect on blood sugar, helping to keep blood sugar levels low, insulin levels low, and helping to prevent diabetes. New research from Spain shows that people with prediabetes actually have a lower risk of developing diabetes if they eat pistachios on a regular basis. T
4. Better Sex – A study published in the International Journal of Impotence Research  So want to add a little ‘spice’ to your life? Eat more pistachios!
5. Fat Burning – Nuts contain lots of healthy fats, but they also help you burn fat!
6. Healthy Fats –  they contain generous amounts of healthy monounsaturated fats, similar to the healthy fat in olive oil.

What’s more, when you eat shelled pistachios, it takes a bit of work to crack those tasty little babies open, so you tend to eat less.

Pistachios also contain generous amounts of the antioxidants, lutein and zeaxanthin, which protect the eye from diseases related to ageing, including macular degeneration.

And, pistachios are great for your gut health too. They provide both “probiotics” and “prebiotics”. The healthy, fibrous nuts feed your healthy gut bacteria.

A study from the University of Florida study showed that people who ate 3 oz of pistachios for 19 days, had improved levels of beneficial gut bacteria, and an increase in beneficial butyrates, which are substances formed from healthy gut bacteria that help heal the gut lining. Unique Pistachio Nuts Work Magic?