Home Health & Fitness Unstoppable Drinking Cows’ Milk Weird?

Unstoppable Drinking Cows’ Milk Weird?

Unstoppable Drinking Cows' Milk Weird?
Unstoppable Drinking Cows' Milk Weird?
Even the heavily rationed post War Britain delivered cows’ milk daily by the crate to school children. Dairy Industry really done a good job convincing us all. But we are the only animal that is so consummate in the milk of another animal, and meant to nourish only baby calves, not humans:

Most of our milk comes from CAFO factories. (concentrated animal feeding operations)

stinking, disgusting breeding grounds of bacteria, fetish feces, hormones, antibiotics, genetically modified feed,

also: toxins, dangerous minerals, disease,

just  really ‘puss’ sinkholes of filth!

incidentally our now antibiotic crisis because of resistant strains, mainly caused from this arena!

Better organically and pasture raised cows, but at what cost and how difficult to find! Really key, if we drink milk, to avoid pasteurization as this literally destroys most of milk benefits! BUT many allergic to milk, or lactose intolerant! Remember that also includes cheeses…to a lesser extent goat’s cheese!

Solution is to jump away from milk issue altogether! Fixate on alternatives such as Soy. But most soy is GMO which carries a huge negative. Even the rare non GMO also has some drawbacks.

Personally really prefer following alternatives:
almond milk. but often contains sugar unless you can find unsweetened kind and very small percentage of almonds!
coconut milk. this is often pretty authentic and usually in a can as opposed to more processed in cartons. Is creamier and produces a good final product. I often mix coconut with almond milk!
cashew milk. but find this very watery and often with added sugars. macadamia another good product but although native to Hawaii could not find a good product over there!
rice milk. but without too much ado. find this to be watery and usually full of sugars!
Best surprise is Pea Milk!
Just great for many of us who have nut allergies. My eldest has suffered for years from risk of nuts and so pea definitely is an excellent alternative for her!
It is also quite high in protein! It is effectively dairy free, plus soy and gluten fee in addition! Usually with sunflower oil, not best, but has added omega 3 fats. Personally do not like the added iron that the makers usually tout!
try to choose the Original Flavor with only 6 grams of sugar per serving!
In the end we are really trying to avoid the glycemic index issues of sugar anyway!
For those of us who are conscious of water usage, and environment, this product uses almost half the water that dairy products demand!
But if you can find it, Hemp Milk is excellent and full of fiber. It is also solution for those with nut allergies!