Home Healthy Lifestyle Staggering Obesity & Ultra Processed Foods Catastrophe?

Staggering Obesity & Ultra Processed Foods Catastrophe?


I like the word ‘UltraProcessed’ as a descriptive instead of just ‘Processed Foods’ because it hits a plateau of ‘abject food horror’!

I admire Mercola for implementation, usually with his own health! Do not always agree with him!

Small example.
Although he advocates dark chocolate, I personally think extremely addictive. Particularly when % is in 60s plus!
Then the addition of sugars too overwhelming!
You can go down the Lindt 99% dark chocolate route.
but it’s not the kind of taste that is an easy sell!
Tough and Bitter!

Recent studies indicate eating more than four such food servings: chocolate, bread, cakes and fruit yogurts, increases the risk of premature death by 62%!

Ultraprocessing of foods increases the risk of obesity. This then increases the risk of cancer, Type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease and gallstones. The majority of deaths in the study were from cancer!

An adult is considered obese if their BMI is 30.0 or higher. Our Obesity rates are high and still climbing.

Two very recent studies in BMJ. Or the British Medical Journal! Now links ultra-processing of foods with a significant increase in the risk of death. Also, an increase in cardiovascular disease.

Mercola great chart verbatim:

Ice cream Chocolate Candy
Mass-produced bread and buns Margarine and spreads Powdered or packaged instant soups, noodles and desserts
Pastries Cakes and cake mixes Breakfast cereals
Cookies Energy bars Energy drinks
Fruit yogurt Fruit drinks Cocoa drinks
Instant sauces Infant formulas Ready-to-heat products

Interesting to add Sodas. And I include both the Sugar, and even worse the Diet drinks. Talking also Cokes here! That company that somehow images Health and Fitness. Particularly with Olympic and Athletic sponsorships!

The National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases defines ‘overweight’ and ‘obese’ as:
A person whose weight is higher than what is considered normal, adjusted for their height.
A person’s weight in kilograms, then divide by the square of height in meters. This gives body mass index or BMI.
Mine is 63 kilograms and height 1.74 meters. It depends on whether I ‘stand tall’ and not slouching.
Means BMI of 20 thereabouts. This is considered excellent. In fact, it gives me some consolation. But so long as this BMI is not at the continual sacrifice of muscle mass!
This a serious consideration for those over 60.
An adult is considered obese if BMI is 30.0 or higher. General obesity rates are now high and climbing.

The World Health Organization reports, worldwide, obesity three times, since 1975. In the U.S. 39.6% of adults overweight and 13% obese. Highest rates ever documented.

The greatest percentage of adults obese adults are 40 to 59 years old for men. And 20 years upwards for women.

The main cause of death is cancer with a mean age of 58 years.

All very depressing! Staggering Obesity & Ultra Processed Foods Catastrophe?