Home Healthy Lifestyle Fascinating Bad Chloresterol Marker Mistake Uncovered!

Fascinating Bad Chloresterol Marker Mistake Uncovered!

Fascinating Bad Chloresterol Marker Mistake Uncovered!
Fascinating Bad Chloresterol Marker Mistake Uncovered!

This article is a reconciliation of typical controversial medical health thinking!

Dr. Nadir Ali is opening Youtube above.

One fundamental and I think, basic comment that I agree with: dangers of Carbohydrates, that includes all things white such as sugars, white bread, even too much fruit fructose, and certainly High Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS)! all translating into Insulin Resistance (IR).

In lay-terms:
prediabetes and diabetes now inflicting majority of North American population!
Insulin Resistance Syndrome, (IRS). I prefer this term for an underlying state of diabetes.
is the real culprit for just about every metabolic syndrome (MSD) disease.
this includes Heart attacks, Strokes, Cancer, and Alzheimer’s. the list is long!

The staggering reality is how most of us, including the medical profession, misunderstand LDL or ‘bad cholesterol’. They even do not get it respecting ‘good cholesterol’ or HDL, despite the fact that the labs attempt to spell out the benefits of ratios and low triglycerides!

I have friendly debates with my own Cardiologist:
he frankly admits he is ‘bound’ to the standard medical protocol.
this has not changed, except to increase the early threshold age for Statins!
also particular attention to LDLs and remediation by Statins.
In my mind there is a big question mark on this MARKER of LDLs or bad cholesterol:
real predictor of heart health is from a CAC or Coronary Artery Calcium Score. This now cardiologists recognizing!

If CACs high, I believe, and so does Dr. Nadir Ali, the probability is a lifetime of Insulin Resistance! I stop short of wholesale adoption of meat content argument! But he makes good points!

Dr Berg Interview of Dave Feldman on the Truth About LDL Cholesterol
Dr. Berg Interview of Dave Feldman on the Truth About LDL Cholesterol

Also, include Dr. Feldman right here. It is a YouTube that is refreshing with a BUT…!

If you have a high CAC score, the prime effort surely is to reduce carbohydrate consumption, especially simple carbs such as starches.

At all costs reduce the carbs. This can be done with a compromise between fibre and ingesting indigestible and digestible fibres. this so that one’s microbiome is optimal!

Those good bacteria are all important, and especially to preserve cognitive health! Unfortunately, the concentration of meats may rapidly destroy the viability of our microbiome.

So it is a compromise and a health juggling act!
For health and longevity the ingestion of large amounts of proteins, (the Atkin’s diet, referred to by Dr. Nadi, is a disruptor!)
Get the balance right. that means indeed consume good fats! But contain the proteins to about 80 grams for a 140 pound senior…like myself.
If there is a sacrifice to be made perhaps err on the side of favouring proteins. reasoning: Insulin Resistance is 90% likely an original cause of all these issues including world obesity.

A ‘finish YouTube’ with brilliant Dr. Valter Longo. In further explanation. And to meet issues raised by Dr. Nadir Ali! Keep largely plant-based. Anyway, if any meat, must be organic and grass-fed!

But a leaf from Dr. Longo! for true health coupled with longevity, Pescatarian and again Organic! but mainly plant-based! And this my favourite topic to achieve real healthy longevity! But cholesterol issue a good challenge by Dr. Nadir! Fascinating Bad Chloresterol Marker Mistake Uncovered!