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Movement Contrast to Exercise!

Movement Contrast to Exercise!
Movement Contrast to Exercise!

Nutritional Movement Contrast to Exercise!…sums up our so called advanced society malaise…with culture of Non Movement! For years made this mistake…went for my early morning ‘run’…about 35 minutes, really a jog along the seawall…finished HIT four minutes spurt…religiously adhered to discipline even had to get up really early…say to catch a plane. BUT legal work…much of the day sitting. The rule of thumb is that 6 hours will entirely negate any benefit from that morning run! Little did I know! One saving grace that I was court room lawyer and consequent activity of walking to court house, moving in courtroom, or just legal occupational hazard of just waiting around!..but at least that standing and movement may have ameliorated damage somewhat!

Another example of overall optimization of Health. Not good enough to tick all but one boxes example: Vitamin D deficiency or Grounded. Undermines everything! Real message of this Web Site is to always sufficiently cross reference important precautions and lifestyle and NOT forget any serious deficit!

Most fail to consider their workouts are book ended by hours of sedentary behavior. Katy Bowman who has written on the subject, describes this as ‘less about moving more, and more about moving more of you’. Nutritional Movement Contrast to Exercise!

Take every opportunity to interrupt your sessile day with standing up and briefly walking. It’s not about length or time of walk…it’s about frequency. Personally do not have stand up desk… but if not…frequently stand up, and move, think posture again & stretch, and you can still work! Often said that smokers may well negate some of their carcinogenic habit by having to leave their desks so frequently! Katy has gone so far as to minimize seating furniture! Personally compromise…try to get fast short walks during the day…and if you in a wet climate head for a mall! When walking…think posture and be vigorous! Better off with five one mile walks than one five mile walk! Use stairs not elevators! Do not worry about parking some distance from destination! It’s culmination from frequency that counts over the day! Also try to walk stint after meals, it knocks the glycemic index! Nutritional Movement Contrast to Exercise!