Home Health & Fitness Tom Brady Unconventional Longevity Discipline

Tom Brady Unconventional Longevity Discipline

Tom Brady Unconventional Longevity Discipline
Tom Brady Unconventional Longevity Discipline

Now 43-year-old quarterback Tom Brady has now won his 7th Super Bowl (this time for the Tampa Bay Buccaneers). Brady is now unquestionably the greatest quarterback ever, intends to stay with it another few years. His Secret?

Focused on Health, but also His Mental approach.

Super model wife, Giselle, supportive, their two children, Benjamin and Vivian, and  Jack from ex-girlfriend Bridget.

80% of their diet is highly alkaline foods ranging from vegetables to whole grains.

Personally think alkalinity coincidental. They just get their diet fundamentally right:

It is high in phytonutrients providing full-spectrum nutrition. Many anti-oxidants.

Typical menu for Brady, who rises really early, might include:

    • Breakfast smoothie with almond milk, a scoop of protein, seeds, nuts and a banana.
    • Mid-morning protein bar, then lunch sliced chicken breast with salad, whole grains and legumes.
    • Another afternoon smoothie. Then light dinner of quinoa and greens.
    • No-no’s: sugar, white flour, dairy, MSG, caffeine including coffee, and alcohol.
    • Notice for the amount of his activity, not too high in protein!

Devotes full year building muscle mass. Circuits include dumbbell squats, bicep curls, crunches, lunges, and mountain climbers. Following year devoted maintaining muscle pliability through yoga, and resistance bands(RBs):

RBs arms and legs mean quantum leaps in muscle development WITHOUT without heavy weights!

Avoids heavy weights, which shorten and stiffen the muscles, especially in his throwing arm.

Focus flexibility, muscle elongation, allowing throw passes without pain.

Brain workouts improve memory and information processing speed. Thus quick offensive adjustments.

This even boosts his peripheral and long-range vision and concussion protection! Believes in meditation.

It’s all about focus, conquering mind fears, routine, and when we come down to it Discipline!

How do we achieve Discipline? Well my short answer strangely perhaps, is Discipline itself! It may be part genetic to provide a receptive mind, but the environmental upbringing may be fulcrum.

Not at all bad for Tom Brady, who blessed with tall enough physique. Particularly when compared to Patrick Mahomes of the Kansas City Chiefs. This time seemingly invincible, this strategist delivered physically with has lightening passes, and brilliantly with his rapid strategic thinking. Brady won his seventh Super Bowl, 31-9.

Not bad for a man who has already stepped through the door into middle age…and we could all learn in own own arenas from this incredibly disciplined person. Yes, from Tom Brady Unconventional Longevity Discipline.