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Younger Healthier Written to Help!

Robert Gardner - Written to Help
Robert Gardner - Written to Help

Robert Gardner, Q.C. M.A. (Cantab), LL.B. (Cantab). Robert, author of youngerhealthier.com…a widely read Web Written to Help in health care, is a barrister England & Wales, and barrister & solicitor British Columbia, and proprietor of law firm: Gardner & Associates. Robert was educated at Cambridge University, England, and member and life scholar scholar of the Honourable Society of the Inner Temple, London. Called to the Bar in England and Wales in 1965. Was admitted to the Law Society of the Province of British Columbia, Canada in 1966. Appointed Queen’s Counsel in 1988. Robert is married, with three daughters, two are teenagers.

Celebrated legal career, practising as a barrister, or trial lawyer, in the ‘dual’ solicitor and barrister practice of British Columbia. Appearances in other Canadian and worldwide jurisdictions, including the Supreme Court of Canada. Had a ‘early’ public reputation for championing women’s rights, mental health inequality, indigenous issues, and immigration unfairness, well before they became ‘mainstream’. The past thirty years has been a redirected focus on business. Has held many key positions with several public company boards on venture exchanges. Recently has concentrated in the private sector, having anticipated, experienced, and criticized increased personal financial exposure, vicarious liability, and time consuming public governance of the public sector. His business career was a thorough ‘grounding’ in precious metals, resources, and even ‘eco’-biomass, all of which he was a co-collaborative initiator and founder. Remains extremely active, and proud that his spouse and two younger one’s are also Métis nationals. Is very critical of an ongoing, apparently continued duplicitous failure, politically and bureaucratically, at both government levels, including Saskatchewan, for Métis full and timely recognition.

Residence and Business: Vancouver, BC. Canada. Additional plus: broad education & experience has also ‘enabled’ him now as recognized & significant ‘health’ contributor & author of youngerhealthier.com. This…Written to Help a desperate Health need. His implicit, apparent ‘inductive’ knowledge & analysis, has now created a remarkably extensive and powerful following.

Early personal exposure to auto immunity, particularly Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) and other personal battles with metabolic syndrome issues, has only increased his resolve and energy to help as many as possible to conquer what he believes no longer need become deadly diseases. These list extensively, but he personally knows the inhumanity, both to victims and family, created by Alzheimer’s & Cancer, are poignantly significant. The exacerbation created by stress, usually completely misunderstood in our difficult, controlled society, is an over-riding negative, and potentially fatal & disastrous for so many. He believes that a major fault of research is its’ ‘pocket isolation’…in that just one ‘module’ shortfall may be overwhelmingly determinate. A quick glance at this highly interactive WEB should immediately confirm this ‘health instinct’ as helpful & beneficial, offering real hope in an increasingly complex, negative & frustratingly ‘unhealthy’ world.