Robert Gardner
Real Secret Centenarians!
Often reflected on Real Secret Centenarians!..singularly, we are fixated on health, but watching a BBC program last night, discussing unique attributes of longevity, it...
Personal Alzheimer’s Fight Motivation!
Our Website gives shorthand on fundamental health issues...and sources from multitude research. When individual solutions combined...becomes powerful sledgehammer!...Take Alzheimer's...Here have Personal Alzheimer's Fight Motivation! As...
Are You Carboholic?
Are You Carboholic? Gary Taubes article, New York Times, has that "edge" falling from "wagon" feeling. Amount of carbohydrates acceptable is really extremely small. My...
The Skinny On Sun!
Going back over time, and before the Agrarian period...say more than 10,000 years ago...our forbears spent nearly all their time outside. They were hunters...
Iron Overload!
Most general medical practices are a little hazy of the true implications of iron deficiencies, particularly signs of Iron Overload!..nor for that matter do...
Antibiotics Death Disaster Reality!
Standard theme of mine is Antibiotics Death Disaster Reality!..and now! Indeed, when one reflects that the drug and pharmaceutical industry, with all that wealth,...
Exercising Dogs Is Mutual Benefit!
Exercising Dogs Is Mutual Benefit! Really interesting what prompts us! if we have that bond with our dog benefit is huge! New York Times article...
Saturated Fat Vindication
Very misled, and even conned, as victim of 1960s, in terms of official 'attitude' to fats. Ancel Keys 'key' researcher, all those decades ago,...
Nonsense On Natural Sunlight!
Recently read a New York Times Blog that has riven me to put on my lawyer's wig, respecting Nonsense On Natural Sunlight!...and become 'devil's advocate' to...
School Junk Food Ban…Working?
Michael MacDonald article, Vancouver Sun, end of the 2016-17 school year, published Monday June 26th. face value seems really positive. Article fully referenced here!...