Home Healthy Lifestyle Power Women Blast Ancel Keys Fat Lie!

Power Women Blast Ancel Keys Fat Lie!

Power Women Blast Ancel Keys Fat Lie!
Power Women Blast Ancel Keys Fat Lie!
Remarkable of this YouTube: The Real Skinny On Fat, with incisive interviewer Naomi Whittel, a fellow Brit. And discussion of septuagenarian Dr. Joseph Maroon…that now dissect, understand:
and now wholeheartedly reject the Ancel Key`s devastating myth!
The first is to understand how come we ever had, and still to this day continue with our fixation with low fats!
From that fundamental misstep has developed the emergence of the North American Obesity Crisis
This YouTube ends with Dr Joseph Maroon, a neurosurgeon. He does an excellent job of retracing the perhaps conspiratorial, intentional maybe, emerged from the President Eisenhower era!
The unfortunate heart attacks of Ike and his death from a Coronary.
the co-incidence of his physician Paul W White who developed the American Heart Association (AHA) into an Ancel Keys supporter
and concept that effectively has lasted for five generations!
Then the understanding about Carbohydrates…particularly addictive ones!…the converse the understanding of Fats, and gradually we are brought up to date by Maroon with Keto diets...their advantage and his careful caveat for fats.
Also he approaches partial fasting and serious disease, and the mitochondrial understanding coupled with neural understanding as ketones cross the blood brain barrier!
It is remarkable. Maroon though stops short here! does not really cross over into Stem Cell rejuvenation to ground zero…or stimulation from fasting of aging stem cells so that they function as if ground zero!
still has the party line of no cure for MS etc. but pauses with comments of how beneficial ketone diets can be and that we are on a threshold of something great!
The Skinny On Fat is remarkable because it brings out personal experiences of Naomi Whittel,
The conclusion…that fats…good fats are the number one priority in diet…quite contrary to the Ancel Keys proposition…that carbohydrates particularly the addictive sugars are devastation…and proteins must be reigned in.

Now, her personal secrets in fact do not stop with this simple proposition. She understands Autophagy. Has a full insight into Cellular metabolism and the need to remove cellular garbage.

