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Robert Gardner


Undeniable, Fasting IS Secret Health & Longevity

Undeniable, Fasting IS Secret Health & Longevity
The bottom line of this Blog always comes back to the same denominator... that is real health. By that I mean resistance to disease...

Born to Walk! Unbelievable Impressive Longevity!

Born to Walk! Unbelievable Impressive Longevity!
You can see Dr. James O'Keeth in the YouTube video at the end of this post. He has been exercising almost every day of...

Formula Vitamin D Solves Pitiful Winter Sun!

Formula Vitamin D Solves Pitiful Winter Sun!
I have written a lot about Vitamin D. So many misconceptions concerning the Sun! We are, I believe the only adapted animal of our...

Fasting Caution & Avoid Rookie Jeopardy!

Fasting Caution & Avoid Rookie Jeopardy!
Good summary on YouTube by Dr. Michael Gregor on fasting caution, otherwise, I advocate The True North Clinic near San Fransisco. It is very...

Grounding For Health, Sadly Animals Defying Humans?

Grounding For Health, Sadly Animals Defying Humans?
One modality that I think is far more important than our present general understanding is that of Grounding for Health! Simply put, it is The...

Apple A Day Astonishing Heart Health!

Apple A Day Astonishing Heart Health!
It's a simple concept that escapes most of us even though we've heard it most of our lives, "An apple a day keeps the...

Calorie Restriction Caution, Contrast Genuine Fasting!

Promise Calorie Restriction Caution, Contrast Genuine Fasting!
https://youtu.be/Jd0QoZe8wGo Biosphere 2 was a 3 acre, earth-bound space station terrarium. It was a living experiment of self-containment and self-sufficiency from  1991 to 1993 in...

Gold? Or Really Sesame Oil Defying Arthritis!

Gold? Or Really Sesame Oil Defying Arthritis!
Michael Greger in his article 'Benefits of Sesame Seeds for Knee Osteoarthritis', stimulates serious thought on my personal History with Gold injections! As a teenager,...

Staggering Obesity & Ultra Processed Foods Catastrophe?

Staggering Obesity & Ultra Processed Foods Catastrophe?video
I like the word 'UltraProcessed' as a descriptive instead of just 'Processed Foods' because it hits a plateau of 'abject food horror'! I admire Mercola...

Sauna Success, Remarkable Health, Cardio, & Longevity!

Sauna Success, Remarkable Health, Cardio, & Longevity!video
I'm very partial to Dr. Rhonda Patrick. She was previously a researcher with Dr. Valter Longo at the University of Southern California. She has a...