Robert Gardner
Plaque Cause…LDL Really ‘Bad’?
Subject Plaque Cause...LDL Really 'Bad'? favorite debate of mine, and relevance to: artery and brain health. David Diamond YouTube most closely reflects my's...
Cellular Vesticles also Communicate!
Consistent theme: energy magic, as ATP, from mitochondria, and electron transport chain, with resulting Health at cellular level. Phenomenal ability to turn on systems...
Movement Contrast to Exercise!
Nutritional Movement Contrast to Exercise!...sums up our so called advanced society malaise...with culture of Non Movement! For years made this mistake...went for my early...
Avoid Deficits…is Grounding One?
Avoid Health Deficits...Grounding One? Great example of health management to avoid deficits! Without base levels vitamins, nutrients, phytonutrients, exercise, sunlight, movement...aside from avoidance what can damage....such...
Grounding Is ‘Earth’ Health Savvy!
Grounding concept a natural! Understanding our evolutionary environmental 'adaptation' important ...we humans are actually endowed and capable of utilizing our extremely hostile world envelope...
Nina Teicholz Puzzles Fats!
Nina Teicholz Puzzles Fats!...excellent publication Big Fat Surprise 9 years in the making! Prior last century, cooking used tallow (cows), lard (pigs). Now butter (cows)...
Alcohol Our Social Killer!
For years willing victim of social drinking...enjoyed after work beer...along came wine cult! Vacations: France! Italy! States! Napa Valley, emergence British Columbia's Okanagen &...
Learn Lectins…Dr. Steven Gundry!
Learn Lectins...Dr. Steven Gundry! Newest book 'The Plant Paradox' full intelligible information...'down to earth' analogies...ground breaking and communicates...not so technically jargon laden...understandable! Same reason so...
Lectins ARE Health Puzzle!
The major problem with HEALTH and it's study from the dietary covers so many disciplines...thats why, invariably, so many, so often, just get...
Photomodulation Treatment Now Universally Accessible!
The athletic world has 'covertly' utilized Infra Red for legal enhancement! Look at the secrecy at the recent Brazil Olympics and yet more to come...