Robert Gardner
Diet Drinks Healthy?
Many moons ago, I would visit Roche, in Basel Switzerland, and look up good friend RS. We were at English Prep school together, although he was...
Canadian Health Care and Brian Day
Canadian Health Care and Brian Day. Known him for decades...when I represented Medical Practitioners attacked by College, Brian an excellent Expert Witness. Personally been private patient for...
Extremes the Key to Mitochondrial Health
Hat off to Dr Mercola..prodigious energy, also instinctive cutting edge mind as to WHY of health. Often difficult for us out there if not...
Northern Sunlight Health Disaster
Major, and overlooked missing link to our mitochondrial health, what our DNA heritage has given to us...for free! The YouTube, TED address of Dr....
Prince Philip, Health Correct, Politically Incorrect!
Prince Philip, consort Queen Elizabeth 2nd. will 'formally' retired later this year...kind of! Vancouver Sun Article May 5th. 2017. History, by numbers, of his...
NHL Sidney Crosby & Brain Damage
NHL Sidney Crosby & Brain Damage...Hockey fans now really concerned about NHL hockey legend...Sidney Crosby. Monday was leveled to the ice...sustained yet again another...
Middle Beach Kale Salad
Just this Easter weekend, stayed with family at incredible Middle Beach Lodge, overlooking Pacific, just a few beaches from Tofino...secluded Middle Beach, and Tonquin Beach!...
Lessons Brain Health
Players here proximate to myself!! Subject important...about Lessons Brain Health! How to improve anything that department. Particularly knowing brain decline a number one health concern...
Wim Hof Iceman…How?
Saw BBC documentary: Wim Hof Iceman...How! His physical shape 'at least' 30 years younger...conquered Everest...and many have perished attempting! BUT climbed just in shorts, effectively naked....
‘Senior’ London Marathoner
Kenneth Jones, 83 'Senior' London Marathoner. Competed and completed (06:41:39) again...consistently since 1981...despite current medical advice, to counter apparent irregular heartbeat...almost inevitable from traditional...