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Personal Fasting With Life-Changing Report!

Personal Fasting With Life-Changing Report!

Personal Fasting With Life-Changing Report! This Website seems to be 'clicking' in positive popularity. There are good Videos, Blogs and YouTube sites out there. Often...
'Hormesis' Fasting Launches Health & Ultimate Longevity!

‘Hormesis’ Fasting Launches Health & Ultimate Longevity!

'Hormesis' Fasting Launches Health & Ultimate Longevity! Admire  superbly fit Ari Whitten, who appears to think inductively and fast. Credit to Ari for his...
Jet Lag?.. Fasting Also Helps!

Jet Lag?.. Fasting Also Helps!

It is an irony that this Website considers Fasting a key to many health benefits...This is so whether it be Partial Fasting, Fasting Mimicking...
Fasting Secret 'Highlander Duncan MacLeod' Longevity?

Fasting Triumph ‘Highlander’ Stunning Longevity?

Water Fasts! There really emerges an amazing benefit and payoff...real Longevity from using this Fasting Secret. This means more than just a paltry few years...
Running Seniors Positive DNA Expression?

Running Seniors Positive DNA Expression?

Running Seniors Positive DNA Expression? On CNN recently a quick interview with retired elementary school teacher Jeanne Daprano who is certainly giving a wake...
Water Shame!

Water Shame!

Personally have not had the experience of traveling across deserts by camel with hosts that understand hydration. There is no issue that the 'ships...
Free Radicals Confusing!

Free Radicals Confusing!

Free Radicals Confusing!..so easy to slip into pill mania...there seems to be a pill or vitamin for every possible and perceived health solution. One...
Calorie Restriction Mimetics or CRM. & Fasting!

Calorie Restriction Mimetics or CRM. & Fasting!

Calorie Restriction Mimetics or CRM. & Fasting! What really intrigues me: Fasting Mimetics...this is the provision of hydroxycitric non fasting elements to provide contributory Autophagy....
Dr. Valter Longo Revisited!

Dr. Valter Longo Revisited!

Dr. Valter Longo Revisited! The one person who has a tremendous insight into Dr. Valter Longo and his experiments relating to Longevity, and the...
No Fuss Fasting...Pragmatic But Careful!

No Fuss Fasting…Pragmatic But Careful!

As someone who has never Fasted beyond experiencing Ketosis (which naturally occurs to some extent, if one ever experiences Intermittent Fasting)...the big jump to...


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